Two-time Correlation Functions
With the QuantumToolbox.jl
time-evolution function mesolve
, a state vector (Ket
) or density matrix (Operator
) can be evolved from an initial state at
To calculate two-time correlation functions on the form
We therefore first calculate mesolve
with mesolve
to calculate
Note that if the initial state is the steady state, then
which is independent of
provides a family of functions that assists in the process of calculating two-time correlation functions. The available functions and their usage is shown in the table below.
Function call | Correlation function |
correlation_2op_2t | |
correlation_2op_1t | |
correlation_3op_1t | |
correlation_3op_2t |
The most common used case is to calculate the two time correlation function correlation_2op_1t
Steadystate correlation function
The following code demonstrates how to calculate the
tlist = LinRange(0, 10, 200)
a = destroy(10)
x = a' + a
H = a' * a
# if the initial state is specified as `nothing`, the steady state will be calculated and used as the initial state.
corr1 = correlation_2op_1t(H, nothing, tlist, [sqrt(0.5) * a], x, x)
corr2 = correlation_2op_1t(H, nothing, tlist, [sqrt(1.0) * a], x, x)
corr3 = correlation_2op_1t(H, nothing, tlist, [sqrt(2.0) * a], x, x)
# plot by CairoMakie.jl
fig = Figure(size = (500, 350))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = L"Time $t$", ylabel = L"\langle \hat{x}(t) \hat{x}(0) \rangle")
lines!(ax, tlist, real(corr1), label = L"\gamma = 0.5", linestyle = :solid)
lines!(ax, tlist, real(corr2), label = L"\gamma = 1.0", linestyle = :dash)
lines!(ax, tlist, real(corr3), label = L"\gamma = 2.0", linestyle = :dashdot)
axislegend(ax, position = :rt)
Emission spectrum
Given a correlation function
In QuantumToolbox.jl
, we can calculate spectrum
, which provides several solvers to perform the Fourier transform semi-analytically, or we can use the function spectrum_correlation_fft
to numerically calculate the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of a given correlation data.
The following example demonstrates how these methods can be used to obtain the emission (
N = 4 # number of cavity fock states
ωc = 1.0 * 2 * π # cavity frequency
ωa = 1.0 * 2 * π # atom frequency
g = 0.1 * 2 * π # coupling strength
κ = 0.75 # cavity dissipation rate
γ = 0.25 # atom dissipation rate
# Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian
a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))
H = ωc * a' * a + ωa * sm' * sm + g * (a' * sm + a * sm')
# collapse operators
n_th = 0.25
c_ops = [
sqrt(κ * (1 + n_th)) * a,
sqrt(κ * n_th) * a',
sqrt(γ) * sm,
# calculate the correlation function using mesolve, and then FFT to obtain the spectrum.
# Here we need to make sure to evaluate the correlation function for a sufficient long time and
# sufficiently high sampling rate so that FFT captures all the features in the resulting spectrum.
tlist = LinRange(0, 100, 5000)
corr = correlation_2op_1t(H, nothing, tlist, c_ops, a', a; progress_bar = Val(false))
ωlist1, spec1 = spectrum_correlation_fft(tlist, corr)
# calculate the power spectrum using spectrum
# using Exponential Series (default) method
ωlist2 = LinRange(0.25, 1.75, 200) * 2 * π
spec2 = spectrum(H, ωlist2, c_ops, a', a; solver = ExponentialSeries())
# calculate the power spectrum using spectrum
# using Pseudo-Inverse method
spec3 = spectrum(H, ωlist2, c_ops, a', a; solver = PseudoInverse())
# plot by CairoMakie.jl
fig = Figure(size = (500, 350))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], title = "Vacuum Rabi splitting", xlabel = "Frequency", ylabel = "Emission power spectrum")
lines!(ax, ωlist1 / (2 * π), spec1, label = "mesolve + FFT", linestyle = :solid)
lines!(ax, ωlist2 / (2 * π), spec2, label = "Exponential Series", linestyle = :dash)
lines!(ax, ωlist2 / (2 * π), spec3, label = "Pseudo-Inverse", linestyle = :dashdot)
xlims!(ax, ωlist2[1] / (2 * π), ωlist2[end] / (2 * π))
axislegend(ax, position = :rt)
Non-steadystate correlation function
More generally, we can also calculate correlation functions of the kind QuantumToolbox.jl
, we can evaluate such correlation functions using the function correlation_2op_2t
. The default behavior of this function is to return a matrix with the correlations as a function of the two time coordinates (
t1_list = LinRange(0, 10.0, 200)
t2_list = LinRange(0, 10.0, 200)
N = 10
a = destroy(N)
x = a' + a
H = a' * a
c_ops = [sqrt(0.25) * a]
α = 2.5
ρ0 = coherent_dm(N, α)
corr = correlation_2op_2t(H, ρ0, t1_list, t2_list, c_ops, x, x; progress_bar = Val(false))
# plot by CairoMakie.jl
fig = Figure(size = (500, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], title = L"\langle \hat{x}(t_1 + t_2) \hat{x}(t_1) \rangle", xlabel = L"Time $t_1$", ylabel = L"Time $t_2$")
heatmap!(ax, t1_list, t2_list, real(corr))
Example: first-order optical coherence function
This example demonstrates how to calculate a correlation function on the form
For a coherent state
τlist = LinRange(0, 10, 200)
# Hamiltonian
N = 15
a = destroy(N)
H = 2 * π * a' * a
# collapse operator
G1 = 0.75
n_th = 2.00 # bath temperature in terms of excitation number
c_ops = [
sqrt(G1 * (1 + n_th)) * a,
sqrt(G1 * n_th) * a'
# start with a coherent state of α = 2.0
ρ0 = coherent_dm(N, 2.0)
# first calculate the occupation number as a function of time
n = mesolve(H, ρ0, τlist, c_ops, e_ops = [a' * a], progress_bar = Val(false)).expect[1,:]
n0 = n[1] # occupation number at τ = 0
# calculate the correlation function G1 and normalize with n to obtain g1
g1 = correlation_2op_1t(H, ρ0, τlist, c_ops, a', a, progress_bar = Val(false))
g1 = g1 ./ sqrt.(n .* n0)
# plot by CairoMakie.jl
fig = Figure(size = (500, 350))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], title = "Decay of a coherent state to an incoherent (thermal) state", xlabel = L"Time $\tau$")
lines!(ax, τlist, real(g1), label = L"g^{(1)}(\tau)", linestyle = :solid)
lines!(ax, τlist, real(n), label = L"n(\tau)", linestyle = :dash)
axislegend(ax, position = :rt)
Example: second-order optical coherence function
The second-order optical coherence function, with time-delay
For a coherent state
To calculate this type of correlation function with QuantumToolbox.jl
, we can use correlation_3op_1t
, which computes a correlation function on the form
The following code calculates and plots
τlist = LinRange(0, 25, 200)
# Hamiltonian
N = 25
a = destroy(N)
H = 2 * π * a' * a
κ = 0.25
n_th = 2.0 # bath temperature in terms of excitation number
c_ops = [
sqrt(κ * (1 + n_th)) * a,
sqrt(κ * n_th) * a'
cases = [
Dict("state" => coherent_dm(N, sqrt(2)), "label" => "coherent state", "lstyle" => :solid),
Dict("state" => thermal_dm(N, 2), "label" => "thermal state", "lstyle" => :dash),
Dict("state" => fock_dm(N, 2), "label" => "Fock state", "lstyle" => :dashdot),
# plot by CairoMakie.jl
fig = Figure(size = (500, 350))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = L"Time $\tau$", ylabel = L"g^{(2)}(\tau)")
for case in cases
ρ0 = case["state"]
# calculate the occupation number at τ = 0
n0 = expect(a' * a, ρ0)
# calculate the correlation function g2
g2 = correlation_3op_1t(H, ρ0, τlist, c_ops, a', a' * a, a, progress_bar = Val(false))
g2 = g2 ./ n0^2
lines!(ax, τlist, real(g2), label = case["label"], linestyle = case["lstyle"])
axislegend(ax, position = :rt)