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Time Evolution and Quantum System Dynamics

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Although in some cases, we want to find the stationary states of a quantum system, often we are interested in the dynamics: how the state of a system or an ensemble of systems evolves with time. QuantumToolbox provides many ways to model dynamics.

There are two kinds of quantum systems: open systems that interact with a larger environment and closed systems that do not. In a closed system, the state can be described by a state vector. When we are modeling an open system, or an ensemble of systems, the use of the density matrix is mandatory.

The following table lists the solvers provided by QuantumToolbox for dynamic quantum systems and the corresponding type of solution returned by the solver:

EquationFunction CallProblemReturned Solution
Unitary evolution, Schrödinger equationsesolvesesolveProblemTimeEvolutionSol
Lindblad master eqn. or Von Neuman eqn.mesolvemesolveProblemTimeEvolutionSol
Monte Carlo evolutionmcsolvemcsolveProblem mcsolveEnsembleProblemTimeEvolutionMCSol
Stochastic Schrödinger equationssesolvessesolveProblem ssesolveEnsembleProblemTimeEvolutionStochasticSol
Stochastic master equationsmesolvesmesolveProblem smesolveEnsembleProblemTimeEvolutionStochasticSol

Solving dynamics with pre-defined problems

QuantumToolbox provides two different methods to solve the dynamics. One can use the function calls listed above by either taking all the operators (like Hamiltonian and collapse operators, etc.) as inputs directly, or generating the problems by yourself and take it as an input of the function call, e.g., sesolve(prob).