Stochastic Solver
When a quantum system is subjected to continuous measurement, through homodyne detection for example, it is possible to simulate the conditional quantum state using stochastic Schrödinger and master equations. The solution of these stochastic equations are quantum trajectories, which represent the conditioned evolution of the system given a specific measurement record.
Stochastic Schrödinger equation
The stochastic Schrödinger time evolution of a quantum system is defined by the following stochastic differential equation (Wiseman and Milburn, 2009; section 4.4):
The solver ssesolve
will construct the operators sc_ops
; mcsolve
, the number of trajectories and the random number generator for the noise realization can be fixed using the arguments: ntraj
and rng
, respectively.
Stochastic master equation
When the initial state of the system is a density matrix smesolve
must be used. The stochastic master equation is given by (Wiseman and Milburn, 2009; section 4.4):
is the Lindblad superoperator, and
The above implementation takes into account 2 types of collapse operators. c_ops
) represent the collapse operators related to pure dissipation, while sc_ops
) are the stochastic collapse operators. The first three terms on the right-hand side of the above equation is the deterministic part of the evolution which takes into account all operators
Example: Homodyne detection
First, we solve the dynamics for an optical cavity at absolute zero (
where sc_ops
# parameters
N = 20 # Fock space dimension
Δ = 5 * 2 * π # cavity detuning
κ = 2 # cavity decay rate
α = 4 # intensity of initial state
ntraj = 500 # number of trajectories
tlist = 0:0.0025:1
# operators
a = destroy(N)
x = a + a'
H = Δ * a' * a
# initial state
ψ0 = coherent(N, √α)
# temperature with average of 0 excitations (absolute zero)
n_th = 0
# c_ops = [√(κ * n_th) * a'] -> nothing
sc_ops = [√(κ * (n_th + 1)) * a]
1-element Vector{QuantumObject{OperatorQuantumObject, Dimensions{1, Tuple{Space}}, SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64}}}:
Quantum Object: type=Operator dims=[20] size=(20, 20) ishermitian=false
20×20 SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 19 stored entries:
In this case, there is no additional dissipation (c_ops = nothing
), and thus, we can use the ssesolve
sse_sol = ssesolve(
e_ops = [x],
ntraj = ntraj,
store_measurement = Val(true),
measurement_avg = sum(sse_sol.measurement, dims=2) / size(sse_sol.measurement, 2)
measurement_avg = dropdims(measurement_avg, dims=2)
# plot by CairoMakie.jl
fig = Figure(size = (500, 350))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "Time")
lines!(ax, tlist[1:end-1], real(measurement_avg[1,:]), label = L"J_x", color = :red, linestyle = :solid)
lines!(ax, tlist, real(sse_sol.expect[1,:]), label = L"\langle x \rangle", color = :black, linestyle = :solid)
axislegend(ax, position = :rt)
Next, we consider the same model but at a finite temperature to demonstrate smesolve
# temperature with average of 1 excitations
n_th = 1
c_ops = [√(κ * n_th) * a']
sc_ops = [√(κ * (n_th + 1)) * a]
sme_sol = smesolve(
e_ops = [x],
ntraj = ntraj,
store_measurement = Val(true),
measurement_avg = sum(sme_sol.measurement, dims=2) / size(sme_sol.measurement, 2)
measurement_avg = dropdims(measurement_avg, dims=2)
# plot by CairoMakie.jl
fig = Figure(size = (500, 350))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "Time")
lines!(ax, tlist[1:end-1], real(measurement_avg[1,:]), label = L"J_x", color = :red, linestyle = :solid)
lines!(ax, tlist, real(sme_sol.expect[1,:]), label = L"\langle x \rangle", color = :black, linestyle = :solid)
axislegend(ax, position = :rt)