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All notable changes to QuantumToolbox.jl will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



Release date: 2025-03-07

  • Minor changes for GPU matrices element type and word size handling. (#430)


Release date: 2025-03-07

  • Add support for OperatorKet state input for mesolve and smesolve. (#423)

  • Introduce plot_fock_distribution to plot the population of a state (ket, bra, or density matrix) in its basis (assumed to be Fock basis). (#428)


Release date: 2025-02-22

  • Support for single AbstractQuantumObject in sc_ops for faster specific method in ssesolve and smesolve. (#408)

  • Change save callbacks from PresetTimeCallback to FunctionCallingCallback. (#410)

  • Align eigenstates and eigenenergies to QuTiP. (#411)

  • Introduce vector_to_operator and operator_to_vector. (#413)

  • Introduce some entropy related functions. (#414, #416)

    • entropy_linear

    • entropy_mutual

    • entropy_conditional

    • entropy_relative

  • Fix entanglement and introduce concurrence. (#414, #418, #419)

  • Introduce some metric functions. (#414, #420)

    • hilbert_dist

    • hellinger_dist

    • bures_dist

    • bures_angle

  • Align steadystate ODE solver to other methods and improve GPU support. (#421)


Release date: 2025-02-14

  • Rename sparse_to_dense as to_dense and dense_to_sparse as to_sparse. (#392)

  • Fix erroneous definition of the stochastic term in smesolve. (#393)

  • Change name of MultiSiteOperator to multisite_operator. (#394)

  • Fix smesolve for specifying initial state as density matrix. (#395)

  • Add more generic solver for steadystate_floquet to allow more linear solvers. (#396)

  • Fix time evolution output when using saveat keyword argument. (#398)

  • Align some attributes of mcsolve, ssesolve and smesolve results with QuTiP. (#402)

  • Improve ensemble generation of ssesolve and change parameters handling on stochastic processes. (#403)

  • Set default trajectories to 500 and rename the keyword argument ensemble_method to ensemblealg. (#405)

  • Introduce measurement on ssesolve and smesolve. (#404)


Release date: 2025-02-09

  • Fix CUDA sparse_to_dense. (#386)

  • Improve pseudo inverse spectrum solver. (#388)

  • Add smesolve function for stochastic master equation. (#389)


Release date: 2025-02-02

  • Move code quality dependencies to separate environment. (#380)

  • Add additional normalization of the state during time evolution of ssesolve. This improves the numerical stability of the solver. (#383)


Release date: 2025-01-29

  • Fix Dynamical Fock Dimension states saving due to wrong saving of dimensions. (#375)

  • Support a list of observables for expect. (#374, #376)

  • Add checks for tlist in time evolution solvers. The checks are to ensure that tlist is not empty, the elements are in increasing order, and the elements are unique. (#378)


Release date: 2025-01-20

  • Change the structure of block diagonalization functions, using BlockDiagonalForm struct and changing the function name from bdf to block_diagonal_form. (#349)

  • Add GPUArrays compatibility for ptrace function, by using KernelAbstractions.jl. (#350)

  • Introduce Space, Dimensions, GeneralDimensions structures to support wider definitions and operations of Qobj/QobjEvo, and potential functionalities in the future. (#271, #353, #360)

  • Improve lazy tensor warning for SciMLOperators. (#370)

  • Change order of AbstractQuantumObject data type. For example, from QuantumObject{DataType,ObjType,DimsType} to QuantumObject{ObjType,DimsType,DataType}. (#371)


Release date: 2024-12-13

  • Improve the construction of QobjEvo. (#338, #339)

  • Support and for AbstractQuantumObject. (#342, #346)

  • Introduce visualization and function plot_wigner for easy plotting of Wigner functions. (#86, #292, #347)


Release date: 2024-12-06

  • Update [compat] to fix the incompatibility between QuantumToolbox v0.22.0+ and DiffEqCallbacks < v4.2.1. (#335)


Release date: 2024-12-04

  • Change SingleSiteOperator with the more general MultiSiteOperator. (#324)

  • Make spectrum and correlation functions align with Python QuTiP, introduce spectrum solver PseudoInverse, remove spectrum solver FFTCorrelation, and introduce spectrum_correlation_fft. (#330)


Release date: 2024-11-20

  • Change the parameters structure of sesolve, mesolve and mcsolve functions to possibly support automatic differentiation. (#311)

  • Fix type instability and reduce extra memory allocation in liouvillian. (#315, #318)


Release date: 2024-11-15

  • This is a demonstration of how to bump version number and also modify before new release. (#309)


Release date: 2024-11-13