Intensive parallelization on a Cluster
In this example, we will demonstrate how to seamlessly perform intensive parallelization on a cluster using the QuantumToolbox.jl package. Indeed, thanks to the Distributed.jl and ClusterManagers.jl packages, it is possible to parallelize on a cluster with minimal effort. The following examples are applied to a cluster with the SLURM workload manager, but the same principles can be applied to other workload managers, as the ClusterManagers.jl package is very versatile.
SLURM batch script
To submit a batch script to SLURM, we start by creating a file named run.batch
with the following content:
#SBATCH --job-name=example
#SBATCH --output=output.out
#SBATCH --account=your_account
#SBATCH --nodes=10
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=72
#SBATCH --mem=128GB
#SBATCH --time=0:10:00
#SBATCH --qos=parallel
# Set PATH to include the directory of your custom Julia installation
export PATH=/home/username/.juliaup/bin:$PATH
# Now run Julia
julia --project script.jl
where we have to replace your_account
with the name of your account. This script will be used to submit the job to the cluster by using the following command in terminal:
sbatch run.batch
Here, we are requesting 10
nodes with 72
threads each (720
parallel jobs). The --time
flag specifies the maximum time that the job can run. To see all the available options, you can check the SLURM documentation. We also export the path to the custom Julia installation, which is necessary to run the script (replace username
with your username). Finally, we run the script script.jl
with the command julia --project script.jl
In the following, we will consider two examples:
Parallelization of a Monte Carlo quantum trajectories
Parallelization of a Master Equation by sweeping over parameters
Monte Carlo Quantum Trajectories
Let's consider a 2
-dimensional transverse field Ising model with 4x3
spins. The Hamiltonian is given by
where the sums are over nearest neighbors, and the collapse operators are given by
In this case, the script.jl
contains the following content:
using Distributed
using ClusterManagers
exeflags = ["--project=.", "-t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK"]
addprocs(SlurmManager(SLURM_NUM_TASKS); exeflags=exeflags, topology=:master_worker)
println("Hello! You have $(nworkers()) workers with $(remotecall_fetch(Threads.nthreads, 2)) threads each.")
@everywhere begin
using QuantumToolbox
using OrdinaryDiffEq
# Define lattice
Nx = 4
Ny = 3
latt = Lattice(Nx = Nx, Ny = Ny)
# Define Hamiltonian and collapse operators
Jx = 0.0
Jy = 0.0
Jz = 1.0
hx = 0.2
hy = 0.0
hz = 0.0
γ = 1
Sx = mapreduce(i -> multisite_operator(latt, i=>sigmax()), +, 1:latt.N)
Sy = mapreduce(i -> multisite_operator(latt, i=>sigmay()), +, 1:latt.N)
Sz = mapreduce(i -> multisite_operator(latt, i=>sigmaz()), +, 1:latt.N)
H, c_ops = DissipativeIsing(Jx, Jy, Jz, hx, hy, hz, γ, latt; boundary_condition = Val(:periodic_bc), order = 1)
e_ops = [Sx, Sy, Sz]
# Time Evolution
ψ0 = fock(2^latt.N, 0, dims = ntuple(i->2, Val(latt.N)))
tlist = range(0, 10, 100)
sol_mc = mcsolve(H, ψ0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=5000, ensemblealg=EnsembleSplitThreads())
In this script, we first load the necessary packages for distributed computing on the cluster (Distributed.jl
and ClusterManagers.jl
). Thanks to the environment variables (previously defined in the SLURM script), we can define the number of tasks and the number of CPUs per task. Then, we initialize the distributed network with the addprocs(SlurmManager(SLURM_NUM_TASKS); exeflags=exeflags, topology=:master_worker)
command. We then import the packages with the @everywhere
macro, meaning to load them in all the workers. Moreover, in order to avoid conflicts between the multithreading of the BLAS library and the native Julia multithreading, we set the number of threads of the BLAS library to 1 with the BLAS.set_num_threads(1)
command. More information about this can be found here.
With the
println("Hello! You have $(nworkers()) workers with $(remotecall_fetch(Threads.nthreads, 2)) threads each.")
command, we test that the distributed network is correctly initialized. The remotecall_fetch(Threads.nthreads, 2)
command returns the number of threads of the worker with ID 2
We then write the main part of the script, where we define the lattice through the Lattice
function. We set the parameters and define the Hamiltonian and collapse operators with the DissipativeIsing
function. We also define the expectation operators e_ops
and the initial state ψ0
. Finally, we perform the Monte Carlo quantum trajectories with the mcsolve
function. The ensemblealg=EnsembleSplitThreads()
argument is used to parallelize the Monte Carlo quantum trajectories, by splitting the ensemble of trajectories among the workers. For a more detailed explanation of the different ensemble methods, you can check the official documentation of the DifferentialEquations.jl package. Finally, the rmprocs(workers())
command is used to remove the workers after the computation is finished.
The output of the script will be printed in the output.out
file, which contains an output similar to the following:
Hello! You have 10 workers with 72 threads each.
Progress: [==============================] 100.0% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 21s (ETA: 0h 00m 00s)
where we can see that the computation lasted only 21 seconds.
Master Equation by Sweeping Over Parameters
In this example, we will consider a driven Jaynes-Cummings model, describing a two-level atom interacting with a driven cavity mode. The Hamiltonian is given by
and the collapse operators are given by
The SLURM batch script file is the same as before, but the script.jl
file now contains the following content:
using Distributed
using ClusterManagers
exeflags = ["--project=.", "-t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK"]
addprocs(SlurmManager(SLURM_NUM_TASKS); exeflags=exeflags, topology=:master_worker)
println("Hello! You have $(nworkers()) workers with $(remotecall_fetch(Threads.nthreads, 2)) threads each.")
@everywhere begin
using QuantumToolbox
using OrdinaryDiffEq
@everywhere begin
const Nc = 20
const ωc = 1.0
const g = 0.05
const γ = 0.01
const F = 0.01
const a = tensor(destroy(Nc), qeye(2))
const σm = tensor(qeye(Nc), sigmam())
const σp = tensor(qeye(Nc), sigmap())
H(ωq) = ωc * a' * a + ωq * tensor(num(Nc), qeye(2)) + g * (a' * σm + a * σp)
coef(p, t) = p.F * cos(p.ωd * t) # coefficient for the time-dependent term
const c_ops = [sqrt(γ) * a, sqrt(γ) * σm]
const e_ops = [a' * a]
# Define the ODE problem and the EnsembleProblem generation function
@everywhere begin
ωq_list = range(ωc - 3*g, ωc + 3*g, 100)
ωd_list = range(ωc - 3*g, ωc + 3*g, 100)
const iter = collect(Iterators.product(ωq_list, ωd_list))
function my_prob_func(prob, i, repeat, channel)
ωq, ωd = iter[i]
H_i = H(ωq)
H_d_i = H_i + QobjEvo(a + a', coef) # Hamiltonian with a driving term
L = liouvillian(H_d_i, c_ops).data # Make the Liouvillian
put!(channel, true) # Update the progress bar channel
remake(prob, f=L, p=(F = F, ωd = ωd))
ωq, ωd = iter[1]
H0 = H(ωq) + QobjEvo(a + a', coef)
ψ0 = tensor(fock(Nc, 0), basis(2, 1)) # Ground State
tlist = range(0, 20 / γ, 1000)
prob = mesolveProblem(H0, ψ0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, progress_bar=Val(false), params=(F = F, ωd = ωd))
### Just to print the progress bar
progr = ProgressBar(length(iter))
progr_channel::RemoteChannel{Channel{Bool}} = RemoteChannel(() -> Channel{Bool}(1))
ens_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob.prob, prob_func=(prob, i, repeat) -> my_prob_func(prob, i, repeat, progr_channel))
@sync begin
@async while take!(progr_channel)
@async begin
sol = solve(ens_prob, Tsit5(), EnsembleSplitThreads(), trajectories = length(iter))
put!(progr_channel, false)
We are using the mesolveProblem
function to define the master equation problem. We added some code to manage the progress bar, which is updated through a RemoteChannel
. The prob_func
argument of the EnsembleProblem
function is used to define the function that generates the problem for each iteration. The iter
variable contains the product of the ωq_list
and ωd_list
lists, which are used to sweep over the parameters. The sol = solve(ens_prob, Tsit5(), EnsembleDistributed(), trajectories=length(iter))
command is used to solve the problem with the distributed ensemble method. The output of the script will be printed in the output.out
file, which contains an output similar to the previous example.