Source code for qutip.control.dump

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python.
#    Copyright (c) 2016 and later, Alexander J G Pitchford
#    All rights reserved.
#    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
#    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
#    met:
#    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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Classes that enable the storing of historical objects created during the
pulse optimisation.
These are intented for debugging.
See the optimizer and dynamics objects for instrutcions on how to enable
data dumping.

import os
import numpy as np
import copy
# QuTiP logging
import qutip.logging_utils
logger = qutip.logging_utils.get_logger()
# QuTiP control modules
import as qtrlio
from numpy.compat import asbytes

DUMP_DIR = "~/.qtrl_dump"

def _is_string(var):
        if isinstance(var, basestring):
            return True
    except NameError:
            if isinstance(var, str):
                return True
            return False
        return False

    return False

[docs]class Dump(object): """ A container for dump items. The lists for dump items is depends on the type Note: abstract class Attributes ---------- parent : some control object (Dynamics or Optimizer) aka the host. Object that generates the data that is dumped and is host to this dump object. dump_dir : str directory where files (if any) will be written out the path and be relative or absolute use ~/ to specify user home directory Note: files are only written when write_to_file is True of writeout is called explicitly Defaults to ~/.qtrl_dump level : string level of data dumping: SUMMARY, FULL or CUSTOM See property docstring for details Set automatically if dump is created by the setting host dumping attrib write_to_file : bool When set True data and summaries (as configured) will be written interactively to file during the processing Set during instantiation by the host based on its dump_to_file attrib dump_file_ext : str Default file extension for any file names that are auto generated fname_base : str First part of any auto generated file names. This is usually overridden in the subclass dump_summary : bool If True a summary is recorded each time a new item is added to the the dump. Default is True summary_sep : str delimiter for the summary file. default is a space data_sep : str delimiter for the data files (arrays saved to file). default is a space summary_file : str File path for summary file. Automatically generated. Can be set specifically """ def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): if self.parent: self.log_level = self.parent.log_level self.write_to_file = self.parent.dump_to_file else: self.write_to_file = False self._dump_dir = None self.dump_file_ext = "txt" self._fname_base = 'dump' self.dump_summary = True self.summary_sep = ' ' self.data_sep = ' ' self._summary_file_path = None self._summary_file_specified = False @property def log_level(self): return logger.level @log_level.setter def log_level(self, lvl): """ Set the log_level attribute and set the level of the logger that is call logger.setLevel(lvl) """ logger.setLevel(lvl) @property def level(self): """ The level of data dumping that will occur. SUMMARY A summary will be recorded FULL All possible dumping CUSTOM Some customised level of dumping When first set to CUSTOM this is equivalent to SUMMARY. It is then up to the user to specify what specifically is dumped """ lvl = 'CUSTOM' if (self.dump_summary and not self.dump_any): lvl = 'SUMMARY' elif (self.dump_summary and self.dump_all): lvl = 'FULL' return lvl @level.setter def level(self, value): self._level = value self._apply_level() @property def dump_any(self): raise NotImplemented("This is an abstract class, " "use subclass such as DynamicsDump or OptimDump") @property def dump_all(self): raise NotImplemented("This is an abstract class, " "use subclass such as DynamicsDump or OptimDump") @property def dump_dir(self): if self._dump_dir is None: self.create_dump_dir() return self._dump_dir @dump_dir.setter def dump_dir(self, value): self._dump_dir = value if not self.create_dump_dir(): self._dump_dir = None
[docs] def create_dump_dir(self): """ Checks dump directory exists, creates it if not """ if self._dump_dir is None or len(self._dump_dir) == 0: self._dump_dir = DUMP_DIR dir_ok, self._dump_dir, msg = qtrlio.create_dir( self._dump_dir, desc='dump') if not dir_ok: self.write_to_file = False msg += "\ndump file output will be suppressed." logger.error(msg) return dir_ok
@property def fname_base(self): return self._fname_base @fname_base.setter def fname_base(self, value): if not _is_string(value): raise ValueError("File name base must be a string") self._fname_base = value self._summary_file_path = None @property def summary_file(self): if self._summary_file_path is None: fname = "{}-summary.{}".format(self._fname_base, self.dump_file_ext) self._summary_file_path = os.path.join(self.dump_dir, fname) return self._summary_file_path @summary_file.setter def summary_file(self, value): if not _is_string(value): raise ValueError("File path must be a string") self._summary_file_specified = True if os.path.abspath(value): self._summary_file_path = value elif '~' in value: self._summary_file_path = os.path.expanduser(value) else: self._summary_file_path = os.path.join(self.dump_dir, value)
[docs]class OptimDump(Dump): """ A container for dumps of optimisation data generated during the pulse optimisation. Attributes ---------- dump_summary : bool When True summary items are appended to the iter_summary iter_summary : list of :class:`optimizer.OptimIterSummary` Summary at each iteration dump_fid_err : bool When True values are appended to the fid_err_log fid_err_log : list of float Fidelity error at each call of the fid_err_func dump_grad_norm : bool When True values are appended to the fid_err_log grad_norm_log : list of float Gradient norm at each call of the grad_norm_log dump_grad : bool When True values are appended to the grad_log grad_log : list of ndarray Gradients at each call of the fid_grad_func """ def __init__(self, optim, level='SUMMARY'): from qutip.control.optimizer import Optimizer if not isinstance(optim, Optimizer): raise TypeError("Must instantiate with {} type".format( Optimizer)) self.parent = optim self._level = level self.reset() def reset(self): Dump.reset(self) self._apply_level() self.iter_summary = [] self.fid_err_log = [] self.grad_norm_log = [] self.grad_log = [] self._fname_base = 'optimdump' self._fid_err_file = None self._grad_norm_file = None def clear(self): del self.iter_summary[:] self.fid_err_log[:] self.grad_norm_log[:] self.grad_log[:] @property def dump_any(self): """True if anything other than the summary is to be dumped""" if (self.dump_fid_err or self.dump_grad_norm or self.dump_grad): return True else: return False @property def dump_all(self): """True if everything (ignoring the summary) is to be dumped""" if (self.dump_fid_err and self.dump_grad_norm and self.dump_grad): return True else: return False def _apply_level(self, level=None): if level is None: level = self._level if not _is_string(level): raise ValueError("Dump level must be a string") level = level.upper() if level == 'CUSTOM': if self._level == 'CUSTOM': # dumping level has not changed keep the same specific config pass else: # Switching to custom, start from SUMMARY level = 'SUMMARY' if level == 'SUMMARY': self.dump_summary = True self.dump_fid_err = False self.dump_grad_norm = False self.dump_grad = False elif level == 'FULL': self.dump_summary = True self.dump_fid_err = True self.dump_grad_norm = True self.dump_grad = True else: raise ValueError("No option for dumping level '{}'".format(level))
[docs] def add_iter_summary(self): """add copy of current optimizer iteration summary""" optim = self.parent if optim.iter_summary is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot add iter_summary as not available") ois = copy.copy(optim.iter_summary) ois.idx = len(self.iter_summary) self.iter_summary.append(ois) if self.write_to_file: if ois.idx == 0: f = open(self.summary_file, 'w') f.write("{}\n{}\n".format( ois.get_header_line(self.summary_sep), ois.get_value_line(self.summary_sep))) else: f = open(self.summary_file, 'a') f.write("{}\n".format( ois.get_value_line(self.summary_sep))) f.close() return ois
@property def fid_err_file(self): if self._fid_err_file is None: fname = "{}-fid_err_log.{}".format(self.fname_base, self.dump_file_ext) self._fid_err_file = os.path.join(self.dump_dir, fname) return self._fid_err_file
[docs] def update_fid_err_log(self, fid_err): """add an entry to the fid_err log""" self.fid_err_log.append(fid_err) if self.write_to_file: if len(self.fid_err_log) == 1: mode = 'w' else: mode = 'a' f = open(self.fid_err_file, mode) f.write("{}\n".format(fid_err)) f.close()
@property def grad_norm_file(self): if self._grad_norm_file is None: fname = "{}-grad_norm_log.{}".format(self.fname_base, self.dump_file_ext) self._grad_norm_file = os.path.join(self.dump_dir, fname) return self._grad_norm_file
[docs] def update_grad_norm_log(self, grad_norm): """add an entry to the grad_norm log""" self.grad_norm_log.append(grad_norm) if self.write_to_file: if len(self.grad_norm_log) == 1: mode = 'w' else: mode = 'a' f = open(self.grad_norm_file, mode) f.write("{}\n".format(grad_norm)) f.close()
[docs] def update_grad_log(self, grad): """add an entry to the grad log""" self.grad_log.append(grad) if self.write_to_file: fname = "{}-fid_err_gradients{}.{}".format(self.fname_base, len(self.grad_log), self.dump_file_ext) fpath = os.path.join(self.dump_dir, fname) np.savetxt(fpath, grad, delimiter=self.data_sep)
[docs] def writeout(self, f=None): """write all the logs and the summary out to file(s) Parameters ---------- f : filename or filehandle If specified then all summary and object data will go in one file. If None is specified then type specific files will be generated in the dump_dir If a filehandle is specified then it must be a byte mode file as numpy.savetxt is used, and requires this. """ fall = None # If specific file given then write everything to it if hasattr(f, 'write'): if not 'b' in f.mode: raise RuntimeError("File stream must be in binary mode") # write all to this stream fall = f fs = f closefall = False closefs = False elif f: # Assume f is a filename fall = open(f, 'wb') fs = fall closefs = False closefall = True else: self.create_dump_dir() closefall = False if self.dump_summary: fs = open(self.summary_file, 'wb') closefs = True if self.dump_summary: for ois in self.iter_summary: if ois.idx == 0: fs.write(asbytes("{}\n{}\n".format( ois.get_header_line(self.summary_sep), ois.get_value_line(self.summary_sep)))) else: fs.write(asbytes("{}\n".format( ois.get_value_line(self.summary_sep)))) if closefs: fs.close()"Optim dump summary saved to {}".format( self.summary_file)) if self.dump_fid_err: if fall: fall.write(asbytes("Fidelity errors:\n")) np.savetxt(fall, self.fid_err_log) else: np.savetxt(self.fid_err_file, self.fid_err_log) if self.dump_grad_norm: if fall: fall.write(asbytes("gradients norms:\n")) np.savetxt(fall, self.grad_norm_log) else: np.savetxt(self.grad_norm_file, self.grad_norm_log) if self.dump_grad: g_num = 0 for grad in self.grad_log: g_num += 1 if fall: fall.write(asbytes("gradients (call {}):\n".format(g_num))) np.savetxt(fall, grad) else: fname = "{}-fid_err_gradients{}.{}".format(self.fname_base, g_num, self.dump_file_ext) fpath = os.path.join(self.dump_dir, fname) np.savetxt(fpath, grad, delimiter=self.data_sep) if closefall: fall.close()"Optim dump saved to {}".format(f)) else: if fall:"Optim dump saved to specified stream") else:"Optim dump saved to {}".format(self.dump_dir))
[docs]class DynamicsDump(Dump): """ A container for dumps of dynamics data. Mainly time evolution calculations. Attributes ---------- dump_summary : bool If True a summary is recorded evo_summary : list of :class:`tslotcomp.EvoCompSummary` Summary items are appended if dump_summary is True at each recomputation of the evolution. dump_amps : bool If True control amplitudes are dumped dump_dyn_gen : bool If True the dynamics generators (Hamiltonians) are dumped dump_prop : bool If True propagators are dumped dump_prop_grad : bool If True propagator gradients are dumped dump_fwd_evo : bool If True forward evolution operators are dumped dump_onwd_evo : bool If True onward evolution operators are dumped dump_onto_evo : bool If True onto (or backward) evolution operators are dumped evo_dumps : list of :class:`EvoCompDumpItem` A new dump item is appended at each recomputation of the evolution. That is if any of the calculation objects are to be dumped. """ def __init__(self, dynamics, level='SUMMARY'): from qutip.control.dynamics import Dynamics if not isinstance(dynamics, Dynamics): raise TypeError("Must instantiate with {} type".format( Dynamics)) self.parent = dynamics self._level = level self.reset() def reset(self): Dump.reset(self) self._apply_level() self.evo_dumps = [] self.evo_summary = [] self._fname_base = 'dyndump' def clear(self): del self.evo_dumps[:] del self.evo_summary[:] @property def dump_any(self): """True if any of the calculation objects are to be dumped""" if (self.dump_amps or self.dump_dyn_gen or self.dump_prop or self.dump_prop_grad or self.dump_fwd_evo or self.dump_onwd_evo or self.dump_onto_evo): return True else: return False @property def dump_all(self): """True if all of the calculation objects are to be dumped""" dyn = self.parent if (self.dump_amps and self.dump_dyn_gen and self.dump_prop and self.dump_prop_grad and self.dump_fwd_evo and (self.dump_onwd_evo) or (self.dump_onwd_evo == dyn.fid_computer.uses_onwd_evo) and (self.dump_onto_evo or (self.dump_onto_evo == dyn.fid_computer.uses_onto_evo))): return True else: return False def _apply_level(self, level=None): dyn = self.parent if level is None: level = self._level if not _is_string(level): raise ValueError("Dump level must be a string") level = level.upper() if level == 'CUSTOM': if self._level == 'CUSTOM': # dumping level has not changed keep the same specific config pass else: # Switching to custom, start from SUMMARY level = 'SUMMARY' if level == 'SUMMARY': self.dump_summary = True self.dump_amps = False self.dump_dyn_gen = False self.dump_prop = False self.dump_prop_grad = False self.dump_fwd_evo = False self.dump_onwd_evo = False self.dump_onto_evo = False elif level == 'FULL': self.dump_summary = True self.dump_amps = True self.dump_dyn_gen = True self.dump_prop = True self.dump_prop_grad = True self.dump_fwd_evo = True self.dump_onwd_evo = dyn.fid_computer.uses_onwd_evo self.dump_onto_evo = dyn.fid_computer.uses_onto_evo else: raise ValueError("No option for dumping level '{}'".format(level))
[docs] def add_evo_dump(self): """Add dump of current time evolution generating objects""" dyn = self.parent item = EvoCompDumpItem(self) item.idx = len(self.evo_dumps) self.evo_dumps.append(item) if self.dump_amps: item.ctrl_amps = copy.deepcopy(dyn.ctrl_amps) if self.dump_dyn_gen: item.dyn_gen = copy.deepcopy(dyn._dyn_gen) if self.dump_prop: item.prop = copy.deepcopy(dyn._prop) if self.dump_prop_grad: item.prop_grad = copy.deepcopy(dyn._prop_grad) if self.dump_fwd_evo: item.fwd_evo = copy.deepcopy(dyn._fwd_evo) if self.dump_onwd_evo: item.onwd_evo = copy.deepcopy(dyn._onwd_evo) if self.dump_onto_evo: item.onto_evo = copy.deepcopy(dyn._onto_evo) if self.write_to_file: item.writeout() return item
[docs] def add_evo_comp_summary(self, dump_item_idx=None): """add copy of current evo comp summary""" dyn = self.parent if dyn.tslot_computer.evo_comp_summary is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot add evo_comp_summary as not available") ecs = copy.copy(dyn.tslot_computer.evo_comp_summary) ecs.idx = len(self.evo_summary) ecs.evo_dump_idx = dump_item_idx if dyn.stats: ecs.iter_num = dyn.stats.num_iter ecs.fid_func_call_num = dyn.stats.num_fidelity_func_calls ecs.grad_func_call_num = dyn.stats.num_grad_func_calls self.evo_summary.append(ecs) if self.write_to_file: if ecs.idx == 0: f = open(self.summary_file, 'w') f.write("{}\n{}\n".format( ecs.get_header_line(self.summary_sep), ecs.get_value_line(self.summary_sep))) else: f = open(self.summary_file, 'a') f.write("{}\n".format(ecs.get_value_line(self.summary_sep))) f.close() return ecs
[docs] def writeout(self, f=None): """ Write all the dump items and the summary out to file(s). Parameters ---------- f : filename or filehandle If specified then all summary and object data will go in one file. If None is specified then type specific files will be generated in the dump_dir. If a filehandle is specified then it must be a byte mode file as numpy.savetxt is used, and requires this. """ fall = None # If specific file given then write everything to it if hasattr(f, 'write'): if not 'b' in f.mode: raise RuntimeError("File stream must be in binary mode") # write all to this stream fall = f fs = f closefall = False closefs = False elif f: # Assume f is a filename fall = open(f, 'wb') fs = fall closefs = False closefall = True else: self.create_dump_dir() closefall = False if self.dump_summary: fs = open(self.summary_file, 'wb') closefs = True if self.dump_summary: for ecs in self.evo_summary: if ecs.idx == 0: fs.write(asbytes("{}\n{}\n".format( ecs.get_header_line(self.summary_sep), ecs.get_value_line(self.summary_sep)))) else: fs.write(asbytes("{}\n".format( ecs.get_value_line(self.summary_sep)))) if closefs: fs.close()"Dynamics dump summary saved to {}".format( self.summary_file)) for di in self.evo_dumps: di.writeout(fall) if closefall: fall.close()"Dynamics dump saved to {}".format(f)) else: if fall:"Dynamics dump saved to specified stream") else:"Dynamics dump saved to {}".format(self.dump_dir))
[docs]class DumpItem: """ An item in a dump list """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class EvoCompDumpItem(DumpItem): """ A copy of all objects generated to calculate one time evolution. Note the attributes are only set if the corresponding :class:`DynamicsDump` ``dump_*`` attribute is set. """ def __init__(self, dump): if not isinstance(dump, DynamicsDump): raise TypeError("Must instantiate with {} type".format( DynamicsDump)) self.parent = dump self.reset() def reset(self): self.idx = None # self.num_ctrls = None # self.num_tslots = None self.ctrl_amps = None self.dyn_gen = None self.prop = None self.prop_grad = None self.fwd_evo = None self.onwd_evo = None self.onto_evo = None
[docs] def writeout(self, f=None): """ write all the objects out to files Parameters ---------- f : filename or filehandle If specified then all object data will go in one file. If None is specified then type specific files will be generated in the dump_dir If a filehandle is specified then it must be a byte mode file as numpy.savetxt is used, and requires this. """ dump = self.parent fall = None closefall = True closef = False # If specific file given then write everything to it if hasattr(f, 'write'): if not 'b' in f.mode: raise RuntimeError("File stream must be in binary mode") # write all to this stream fall = f closefall = False f.write(asbytes("EVOLUTION COMPUTATION {}\n".format(self.idx))) elif f: fall = open(f, 'wb') else: # otherwise files for each type will be created fnbase = "{}-evo{}".format(dump._fname_base, self.idx) closefall = False #ctrl amps if not self.ctrl_amps is None: if fall: f = fall f.write(asbytes("Ctrl amps\n")) else: fname = "{}-ctrl_amps.{}".format(fnbase, dump.dump_file_ext) f = open(os.path.join(dump.dump_dir, fname), 'wb') closef = True np.savetxt(f, self.ctrl_amps, fmt='%14.6g', delimiter=dump.data_sep) if closef: f.close() # dynamics generators if not self.dyn_gen is None: k = 0 if fall: f = fall f.write(asbytes("Dynamics Generators\n")) else: fname = "{}-dyn_gen.{}".format(fnbase, dump.dump_file_ext) f = open(os.path.join(dump.dump_dir, fname), 'wb') closef = True for dg in self.dyn_gen: f.write(asbytes( "dynamics generator for timeslot {}\n".format(k))) np.savetxt(f, self.dyn_gen[k], delimiter=dump.data_sep) k += 1 if closef: f.close() # Propagators if not self.prop is None: k = 0 if fall: f = fall f.write(asbytes("Propagators\n")) else: fname = "{}-prop.{}".format(fnbase, dump.dump_file_ext) f = open(os.path.join(dump.dump_dir, fname), 'wb') closef = True for dg in self.dyn_gen: f.write(asbytes("Propagator for timeslot {}\n".format(k))) np.savetxt(f, self.prop[k], delimiter=dump.data_sep) k += 1 if closef: f.close() # Propagator gradient if not self.prop_grad is None: k = 0 if fall: f = fall f.write(asbytes("Propagator gradients\n")) else: fname = "{}-prop_grad.{}".format(fnbase, dump.dump_file_ext) f = open(os.path.join(dump.dump_dir, fname), 'wb') closef = True for k in range(self.prop_grad.shape[0]): for j in range(self.prop_grad.shape[1]): f.write(asbytes("Propagator gradient for timeslot {} " "control {}\n".format(k, j))) np.savetxt(f, self.prop_grad[k, j], delimiter=dump.data_sep) if closef: f.close() # forward evolution if not self.fwd_evo is None: k = 0 if fall: f = fall f.write(asbytes("Forward evolution\n")) else: fname = "{}-fwd_evo.{}".format(fnbase, dump.dump_file_ext) f = open(os.path.join(dump.dump_dir, fname), 'wb') closef = True for dg in self.dyn_gen: f.write(asbytes("Evolution from 0 to {}\n".format(k))) np.savetxt(f, self.fwd_evo[k], delimiter=dump.data_sep) k += 1 if closef: f.close() # onward evolution if not self.onwd_evo is None: k = 0 if fall: f = fall f.write(asbytes("Onward evolution\n")) else: fname = "{}-onwd_evo.{}".format(fnbase, dump.dump_file_ext) f = open(os.path.join(dump.dump_dir, fname), 'wb') closef = True for dg in self.dyn_gen: f.write(asbytes("Evolution from {} to end\n".format(k))) np.savetxt(f, self.fwd_evo[k], delimiter=dump.data_sep) k += 1 if closef: f.close() # onto evolution if not self.onto_evo is None: k = 0 if fall: f = fall f.write(asbytes("Onto evolution\n")) else: fname = "{}-onto_evo.{}".format(fnbase, dump.dump_file_ext) f = open(os.path.join(dump.dump_dir, fname), 'wb') closef = True for dg in self.dyn_gen: f.write(asbytes("Evolution from {} onto target\n".format(k))) np.savetxt(f, self.fwd_evo[k], delimiter=dump.data_sep) k += 1 if closef: f.close() if closefall: fall.close()
[docs]class DumpSummaryItem: """ A summary of the most recent iteration. Abstract class only. Attributes ---------- idx : int Index in the summary list in which this is stored """ min_col_width = 11 summary_property_names = () summary_property_fmt_type = () summary_property_fmt_prec = () @classmethod def get_header_line(cls, sep=' '): if sep == ' ': line = '' i = 0 for a in cls.summary_property_names: if i > 0: line += sep i += 1 line += format(a, str(max(len(a), cls.min_col_width)) + 's') else: line = sep.join(cls.summary_property_names) return line def reset(self): self.idx = 0 def get_value_line(self, sep=' '): line = "" i = 0 for a in zip(self.summary_property_names, self.summary_property_fmt_type, self.summary_property_fmt_prec): if i > 0: line += sep i += 1 v = getattr(self, a[0]) w = max(len(a[0]), self.min_col_width) if v is not None: fmt = '' if sep == ' ': fmt += str(w) else: fmt += '0' if a[2] > 0: fmt += '.' + str(a[2]) fmt += a[1] line += format(v, fmt) else: if sep == ' ': line += format('None', str(w) + 's') else: line += 'None' return line