Single-impurity Anderson model


Yi-Te Huang

Last Update



The investigation of the Kondo effect in single-impurity Anderson model is crucial as it serves both as a valuable testing ground for the theories of the Kondo effect and has the potential to lead to a better understanding of this intrinsic many-body phenomena. For further detailed discussions of this model (under different parameters) using HierarchicalEOM.jl, we recommend to read the article (Huang et al. 2023).


We consider a single-level electronic system [which can be populated by a spin-up (\(\uparrow\)) or spin-down (\(\downarrow\)) electron] coupled to a fermionic reservoir (\(\textrm{f}\)). The total Hamiltonian is given by \(H_{\textrm{T}}=H_\textrm{s}+H_\textrm{f}+H_\textrm{sf}\), where each terms takes the form

\[ \begin{aligned} H_{\textrm{s}} &= \epsilon \left(d^\dagger_\uparrow d_\uparrow + d^\dagger_\downarrow d_\downarrow \right) + U\left(d^\dagger_\uparrow d_\uparrow d^\dagger_\downarrow d_\downarrow\right),\\ H_{\textrm{f}} &=\sum_{\sigma=\uparrow,\downarrow}\sum_{k}\epsilon_{\sigma,k}c_{\sigma,k}^{\dagger}c_{\sigma,k},\\ H_{\textrm{sf}} &=\sum_{\sigma=\uparrow,\downarrow}\sum_{k}g_{k}c_{\sigma,k}^{\dagger}d_{\sigma} + g_{k}^*d_{\sigma}^{\dagger}c_{\sigma,k}. \end{aligned} \]

Here, \(d_\uparrow\) \((d_\downarrow)\) annihilates a spin-up (spin-down) electron in the system, \(\epsilon\) is the energy of the electron, and \(U\) is the Coulomb repulsion energy for double occupation. Furthermore, \(c_{\sigma,k}\) \((c_{\sigma,k}^{\dagger})\) annihilates (creates) an electron in the state \(k\) (with energy \(\epsilon_{\sigma,k}\)) of the reservoir.

Now, we need to build the system Hamiltonian and initial state with the package QuantumToolbox.jl to construct the operators.

using HierarchicalEOM  # this automatically loads `QuantumToolbox`
using CairoMakie       # for plotting results
ϵ = -5
U = 10
σm = sigmam() # σ-
σz = sigmaz() # σz
II = qeye(2)  # identity matrix

# construct the annihilation operator for both spin-up and spin-down
# (utilize Jordan–Wigner transformation)
d_up = tensor(σm, II)
d_dn = tensor(-1 * σz, σm)
Hsys = ϵ * (d_up' * d_up + d_dn' * d_dn) + U * (d_up' * d_up * d_dn' * d_dn)

Quantum Object:   type=Operator   dims=[2, 2]   size=(4, 4)   ishermitian=true
4×4 SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 2 stored entries:
     ⋅           ⋅           ⋅          ⋅    
     ⋅      -5.0+0.0im       ⋅          ⋅    
     ⋅           ⋅      -5.0+0.0im      ⋅    
     ⋅           ⋅           ⋅          ⋅    

Construct bath objects

We assume the fermionic reservoir to have a Lorentzian-shaped spectral density, and we utilize the Padé decomposition. Furthermore, the spectral densities depend on the following physical parameters:

  • the coupling strength \(\Gamma\) between system and reservoirs
  • the band-width \(W\)
  • the product of the Boltzmann constant \(k\) and the absolute temperature \(T\) : \(kT\)
  • the chemical potential \(\mu\)
  • the total number of exponentials for the reservoir \(2(N + 1)\)
Γ = 2
μ = 0
W = 10
kT = 0.5
N = 5
bath_up = Fermion_Lorentz_Pade(d_up, Γ, μ, W, kT, N)
bath_dn = Fermion_Lorentz_Pade(d_dn, Γ, μ, W, kT, N)
bath_list = [bath_up, bath_dn]
2-element Vector{FermionBath}:
 HierarchicalEOM.FermionBath object with 12 terms.

 HierarchicalEOM.FermionBath object with 12 terms.

Construct HEOMLS matrix

tier = 3
M_even = M_Fermion(Hsys, tier, bath_list)
M_odd = M_Fermion(Hsys, tier, bath_list, ODD)
Preparing block matrices for HEOM Liouvillian superoperator (using 4 threads)...
Progress: [                              ]   0.0% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 01s (ETA: 0h 38m 44s)Progress: [==============================] 100.0% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 01s (ETA: 0h 00m 00s)
Constructing matrix...[DONE]
Preparing block matrices for HEOM Liouvillian superoperator (using 4 threads)...
Progress: [==============================] 100.0% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 00s (ETA: 0h 00m 00s)
Constructing matrix...[DONE]
Fermion type HEOMLS matrix acting on odd-parity ADOs
system dims = [2, 2]
number of ADOs N = 2325
data =
MatrixOperator(37200 × 37200)

Solve stationary state of ADOs

ados_s = steadystate(M_even)
Solving steady state for ADOs by linear-solve method...[DONE]
2325 Auxiliary Density Operators with even-parity and (system) dims = [2, 2]

Calculate density of states (DOS)

ωlist = -10:1:10
dos = DensityOfStates(M_odd, ados_s, d_up, ωlist)
Calculating density of states in frequency domain...
Progress: [=======                       ]  23.8% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 01s (ETA: 0h 00m 03s)Progress: [==============                ]  47.6% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 02s (ETA: 0h 00m 02s)Progress: [=====================         ]  71.4% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 03s (ETA: 0h 00m 01s)Progress: [============================  ]  95.2% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 04s (ETA: 0h 00m 00s)Progress: [==============================] 100.0% --- Elapsed Time: 0h 00m 04s (ETA: 0h 00m 00s)
21-element Vector{Float64}:

plot the results

fig = Figure(size = (500, 350))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = L"\omega")
lines!(ax, ωlist, dos)


Version Information


                                  /  \
 __     __                     __ \__/ __
|  |   |  |                   /  \    /  \
|  |   |  | ______   ______   \__/_  _\__/
|  |___|  |/  __  \ /  __  \ / '   \/     \
|   ___   |  |__)  |  /  \  |    _     _   |
|  |   |  |   ____/| (    ) |   / \   / \  |
|  |   |  |  |____ |  \__/  |  |   | |   | |
|__|   |__|\______) \______/|__|   |_|   |_|

Julia framework for Hierarchical Equations of Motion
Copyright © QuTiP team 2023 and later.
Lead  developer : Yi-Te Huang
Other developers:
    Simon Cross, Neill Lambert, Po-Chen Kuo and Shen-Liang Yang

Package information:
Julia              Ver. 1.11.4
HierarchicalEOM    Ver. 2.4.7
QuantumToolbox     Ver. 0.29.1
SciMLOperators     Ver. 0.3.12
LinearSolve        Ver. 3.4.0
OrdinaryDiffEqCore Ver. 1.19.0

System information:
OS       : Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
CPU      : 4 × AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor
Memory   : 15.615 GB
LIBM     : libopenlibm
LLVM     : libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, znver3)
BLAS     : (ilp64)
Threads  : 4 (on 4 virtual cores)


Huang, Yi-Te, Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Mauro Cirio, Simon Cross, Shen-Liang Yang, Franco Nori, and Yueh-Nan Chen. 2023. “An Efficient Julia Framework for Hierarchical Equations of Motion in Open Quantum Systems.” Communications Physics 6 (1): 313.