# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python.
# Copyright (c) 2011 and later, Paul D. Nation and Robert J. Johansson.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of the QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python nor the names
# of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
# from this software without specific prior written permission.
# Significant parts of this code were contributed by Denis Vasilyev.
This module contains functions for solving stochastic schrodinger and master
equations. The API should not be considered stable, and is subject to change
when we work more on optimizing this module for performance and features.
__all__ = ['ssesolve', 'ssepdpsolve', 'smesolve', 'smepdpsolve']
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
norm = get_blas_funcs("znrm2", dtype=np.float64)
from scipy.linalg import norm
from numpy.random import RandomState
from qutip.qobj import Qobj, isket
from qutip.states import ket2dm
from qutip.solver import Result
from qutip.expect import expect, expect_rho_vec
from qutip.superoperator import (spre, spost, mat2vec, vec2mat,
liouvillian, lindblad_dissipator)
from qutip.cy.spmatfuncs import cy_expect_psi_csr, spmv, cy_expect_rho_vec
from qutip.cy.stochastic import (cy_d1_rho_photocurrent,
from qutip.parallel import serial_map
from qutip.ui.progressbar import TextProgressBar
from qutip.solver import Options
from qutip.settings import debug
if debug:
import qutip.logging
import inspect
logger = qutip.logging.get_logger()
[docs]class StochasticSolverOptions:
"""Class of options for stochastic solvers such as
:func:`qutip.stochastic.ssesolve`, :func:`qutip.stochastic.smesolve`, etc.
Options can be specified either as arguments to the constructor::
sso = StochasticSolverOptions(nsubsteps=100, ...)
or by changing the class attributes after creation::
sso = StochasticSolverOptions()
sso.nsubsteps = 1000
The stochastic solvers :func:`qutip.stochastic.ssesolve`,
:func:`qutip.stochastic.smesolve`, :func:`qutip.stochastic.ssepdpsolve` and
:func:`qutip.stochastic.smepdpsolve` all take the same keyword arguments as
the constructor of these class, and internally they use these arguments to
construct an instance of this class, so it is rarely needed to explicitly
create an instance of this class.
H : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
System Hamiltonian.
state0 : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Initial state vector (ket) or density matrix.
times : *list* / *array*
List of times for :math:`t`. Must be uniformly spaced.
c_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
List of deterministic collapse operators.
sc_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
List of stochastic collapse operators. Each stochastic collapse
operator will give a deterministic and stochastic contribution
to the equation of motion according to how the d1 and d2 functions
are defined.
e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
expectation values.
m_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
List of operators representing the measurement operators. The expected
format is a nested list with one measurement operator for each
stochastic increament, for each stochastic collapse operator.
args : dict / list
List of dictionary of additional problem-specific parameters.
ntraj : int
Number of trajectors.
nsubsteps : int
Number of sub steps between each time-spep given in `times`.
d1 : function
Function for calculating the operator-valued coefficient to the
deterministic increment dt.
d2 : function
Function for calculating the operator-valued coefficient to the
stochastic increment(s) dW_n, where n is in [0, d2_len[.
d2_len : int (default 1)
The number of stochastic increments in the process.
dW_factors : array
Array of length d2_len, containing scaling factors for each
measurement operator in m_ops.
rhs : function
Function for calculating the deterministic and stochastic contributions
to the right-hand side of the stochastic differential equation. This
only needs to be specified when implementing a custom SDE solver.
generate_A_ops : function
Function that generates a list of pre-computed operators or super-
operators. These precomputed operators are used in some d1 and d2
generate_noise : function
Function for generate an array of pre-computed noise signal.
homogeneous : bool (True)
Wheter or not the stochastic process is homogenous. Inhomogenous
processes are only supported for poisson distributions.
solver : string
Name of the solver method to use for solving the stochastic
equations. Valid values are: 'euler-maruyama', 'fast-euler-maruyama',
'milstein', 'fast-milstein', 'platen'.
method : string ('homodyne', 'heterodyne', 'photocurrent')
The name of the type of measurement process that give rise to the
stochastic equation to solve. Specifying a method with this keyword
argument is a short-hand notation for using pre-defined d1 and d2
functions for the corresponding stochastic processes.
distribution : string ('normal', 'poission')
The name of the distribution used for the stochastic increments.
store_measurements : bool (default False)
Whether or not to store the measurement results in the
:class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult` instance returned by the solver.
noise : array
Vector specifying the noise.
normalize : bool (default True)
Whether or not to normalize the wave function during the evolution.
options : :class:`qutip.solver.Options`
Generic solver options.
map_func: function
A map function or managing the calls to single-trajactory solvers.
map_kwargs: dictionary
Optional keyword arguments to the map_func function function.
progress_bar : :class:`qutip.ui.BaseProgressBar`
Optional progress bar class instance.
def __init__(self, H=None, state0=None, times=None, c_ops=[], sc_ops=[],
e_ops=[], m_ops=None, args=None, ntraj=1, nsubsteps=1,
d1=None, d2=None, d2_len=1, dW_factors=None, rhs=None,
generate_A_ops=None, generate_noise=None, homogeneous=True,
solver=None, method=None, distribution='normal',
store_measurement=False, noise=None, normalize=True,
options=None, progress_bar=None, map_func=None,
if options is None:
options = Options()
if progress_bar is None:
progress_bar = TextProgressBar()
self.H = H
self.d1 = d1
self.d2 = d2
self.d2_len = d2_len
self.dW_factors = dW_factors if dW_factors else np.ones(d2_len)
self.state0 = state0
self.times = times
self.c_ops = c_ops
self.sc_ops = sc_ops
self.e_ops = e_ops
if m_ops is None:
self.m_ops = [[c for _ in range(d2_len)] for c in sc_ops]
self.m_ops = m_ops
self.ntraj = ntraj
self.nsubsteps = nsubsteps
self.solver = solver
self.method = method
self.distribution = distribution
self.homogeneous = homogeneous
self.rhs = rhs
self.options = options
self.progress_bar = progress_bar
self.store_measurement = store_measurement
self.store_states = options.store_states
self.noise = noise
self.args = args
self.normalize = normalize
self.generate_noise = generate_noise
self.generate_A_ops = generate_A_ops
if self.ntraj > 1 and map_func:
self.map_func = map_func
self.map_func = serial_map
self.map_kwargs = map_kwargs if map_kwargs is not None else {}
[docs]def ssesolve(H, psi0, times, sc_ops, e_ops, **kwargs):
Solve the stochastic Schrödinger equation. Dispatch to specific solvers
depending on the value of the `solver` keyword argument.
H : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
System Hamiltonian.
psi0 : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Initial state vector (ket).
times : *list* / *array*
List of times for :math:`t`. Must be uniformly spaced.
sc_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
List of stochastic collapse operators. Each stochastic collapse
operator will give a deterministic and stochastic contribution
to the equation of motion according to how the d1 and d2 functions
are defined.
e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
expectation values.
kwargs : *dictionary*
Optional keyword arguments. See
output: :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`
An instance of the class :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`.
if debug:
if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
e_ops_dict = e_ops
e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
e_ops_dict = None
sso = StochasticSolverOptions(H=H, state0=psi0, times=times,
sc_ops=sc_ops, e_ops=e_ops, **kwargs)
if sso.generate_A_ops is None:
sso.generate_A_ops = _generate_psi_A_ops
if (sso.d1 is None) or (sso.d2 is None):
if sso.method == 'homodyne':
sso.d1 = d1_psi_homodyne
sso.d2 = d2_psi_homodyne
sso.d2_len = 1
sso.homogeneous = True
sso.distribution = 'normal'
if "dW_factors" not in kwargs:
sso.dW_factors = np.array([1])
if "m_ops" not in kwargs:
sso.m_ops = [[c + c.dag()] for c in sso.sc_ops]
elif sso.method == 'heterodyne':
sso.d1 = d1_psi_heterodyne
sso.d2 = d2_psi_heterodyne
sso.d2_len = 2
sso.homogeneous = True
sso.distribution = 'normal'
if "dW_factors" not in kwargs:
sso.dW_factors = np.array([np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2)])
if "m_ops" not in kwargs:
sso.m_ops = [[(c + c.dag()), (-1j) * (c - c.dag())]
for idx, c in enumerate(sso.sc_ops)]
elif sso.method == 'photocurrent':
sso.d1 = d1_psi_photocurrent
sso.d2 = d2_psi_photocurrent
sso.d2_len = 1
sso.homogeneous = False
sso.distribution = 'poisson'
if "dW_factors" not in kwargs:
sso.dW_factors = np.array([1])
if "m_ops" not in kwargs:
sso.m_ops = [[None] for c in sso.sc_ops]
raise Exception("Unrecognized method '%s'." % sso.method)
if sso.distribution == 'poisson':
sso.homogeneous = False
if sso.solver == 'euler-maruyama' or sso.solver is None:
sso.rhs = _rhs_psi_euler_maruyama
elif sso.solver == 'platen':
sso.rhs = _rhs_psi_platen
raise Exception("Unrecognized solver '%s'." % sso.solver)
res = _ssesolve_generic(sso, sso.options, sso.progress_bar)
if e_ops_dict:
res.expect = {e: res.expect[n]
for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())}
return res
[docs]def smesolve(H, rho0, times, c_ops, sc_ops, e_ops, **kwargs):
Solve stochastic master equation. Dispatch to specific solvers
depending on the value of the `solver` keyword argument.
H : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
System Hamiltonian.
rho0 : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Initial density matrix or state vector (ket).
times : *list* / *array*
List of times for :math:`t`. Must be uniformly spaced.
c_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Deterministic collapse operator which will contribute with a standard
Lindblad type of dissipation.
sc_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
List of stochastic collapse operators. Each stochastic collapse
operator will give a deterministic and stochastic contribution
to the eqaution of motion according to how the d1 and d2 functions
are defined.
e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj` / callback function single
single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
expectation values.
kwargs : *dictionary*
Optional keyword arguments. See
output: :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`
An instance of the class :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`.
Add checks for commuting jump operators in Milstein method.
if debug:
if isket(rho0):
rho0 = ket2dm(rho0)
if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
e_ops_dict = e_ops
e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
e_ops_dict = None
sso = StochasticSolverOptions(H=H, state0=rho0, times=times, c_ops=c_ops,
sc_ops=sc_ops, e_ops=e_ops, **kwargs)
if (sso.d1 is None) or (sso.d2 is None):
if sso.method == 'homodyne' or sso.method is None:
sso.d1 = d1_rho_homodyne
sso.d2 = d2_rho_homodyne
sso.d2_len = 1
sso.homogeneous = True
sso.distribution = 'normal'
if "dW_factors" not in kwargs:
sso.dW_factors = np.array([np.sqrt(1)])
if "m_ops" not in kwargs:
sso.m_ops = [[c + c.dag()] for c in sso.sc_ops]
elif sso.method == 'heterodyne':
sso.d1 = d1_rho_heterodyne
sso.d2 = d2_rho_heterodyne
sso.d2_len = 2
sso.homogeneous = True
sso.distribution = 'normal'
if "dW_factors" not in kwargs:
sso.dW_factors = np.array([np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2)])
if "m_ops" not in kwargs:
sso.m_ops = [[(c + c.dag()), -1j * (c - c.dag())]
for c in sso.sc_ops]
elif sso.method == 'photocurrent':
sso.d1 = cy_d1_rho_photocurrent
sso.d2 = cy_d2_rho_photocurrent
sso.d2_len = 1
sso.homogeneous = False
sso.distribution = 'poisson'
if "dW_factors" not in kwargs:
sso.dW_factors = np.array([1])
if "m_ops" not in kwargs:
sso.m_ops = [[None] for c in sso.sc_ops]
raise Exception("Unrecognized method '%s'." % sso.method)
if sso.distribution == 'poisson':
sso.homogeneous = False
if sso.generate_A_ops is None:
sso.generate_A_ops = _generate_rho_A_ops
if sso.rhs is None:
if sso.solver == 'euler-maruyama' or sso.solver is None:
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_euler_maruyama
elif sso.solver == 'milstein':
if sso.method == 'homodyne' or sso.method is None:
if len(sc_ops) == 1:
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_single
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne
elif sso.method == 'heterodyne':
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne
sso.d2_len = 1
sso.sc_ops = []
for sc in iter(sc_ops):
sso.sc_ops += [sc / np.sqrt(2), -1.0j * sc / np.sqrt(2)]
elif sso.solver == 'fast-euler-maruyama' and sso.method == 'homodyne':
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_euler_homodyne_fast
sso.generate_A_ops = _generate_A_ops_Euler
elif sso.solver == 'fast-milstein':
sso.generate_A_ops = _generate_A_ops_Milstein
sso.generate_noise = _generate_noise_Milstein
if sso.method == 'homodyne' or sso.method is None:
if len(sc_ops) == 1:
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_single_fast
elif len(sc_ops) == 2:
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_two_fast
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_fast
elif sso.method == 'heterodyne':
sso.d2_len = 1
sso.sc_ops = []
for sc in iter(sc_ops):
sso.sc_ops += [sc / np.sqrt(2), -1.0j * sc / np.sqrt(2)]
if len(sc_ops) == 1:
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_two_fast
sso.rhs = _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_fast
raise Exception("Unrecognized solver '%s'." % sso.solver)
res = _smesolve_generic(sso, sso.options, sso.progress_bar)
if e_ops_dict:
res.expect = {e: res.expect[n]
for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())}
return res
[docs]def ssepdpsolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops, **kwargs):
A stochastic (piecewse deterministic process) PDP solver for wavefunction
evolution. For most purposes, use :func:`qutip.mcsolve` instead for quantum
trajectory simulations.
H : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
System Hamiltonian.
psi0 : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Initial state vector (ket).
times : *list* / *array*
List of times for :math:`t`. Must be uniformly spaced.
c_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Deterministic collapse operator which will contribute with a standard
Lindblad type of dissipation.
e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj` / callback function single
single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
expectation values.
kwargs : *dictionary*
Optional keyword arguments. See
output: :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`
An instance of the class :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`.
if debug:
if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
e_ops_dict = e_ops
e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
e_ops_dict = None
sso = StochasticSolverOptions(H=H, state0=psi0, times=times, c_ops=c_ops,
e_ops=e_ops, **kwargs)
res = _ssepdpsolve_generic(sso, sso.options, sso.progress_bar)
if e_ops_dict:
res.expect = {e: res.expect[n]
for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())}
return res
[docs]def smepdpsolve(H, rho0, times, c_ops, e_ops, **kwargs):
A stochastic (piecewse deterministic process) PDP solver for density matrix
H : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
System Hamiltonian.
rho0 : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Initial density matrix.
times : *list* / *array*
List of times for :math:`t`. Must be uniformly spaced.
c_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Deterministic collapse operator which will contribute with a standard
Lindblad type of dissipation.
sc_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj`
List of stochastic collapse operators. Each stochastic collapse
operator will give a deterministic and stochastic contribution
to the eqaution of motion according to how the d1 and d2 functions
are defined.
e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.Qobj` / callback function single
single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
expectation values.
kwargs : *dictionary*
Optional keyword arguments. See
output: :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`
An instance of the class :class:`qutip.solver.SolverResult`.
if debug:
if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
e_ops_dict = e_ops
e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
e_ops_dict = None
sso = StochasticSolverOptions(H=H, state0=rho0, times=times, c_ops=c_ops,
e_ops=e_ops, **kwargs)
res = _smepdpsolve_generic(sso, sso.options, sso.progress_bar)
if e_ops_dict:
res.expect = {e: res.expect[n]
for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())}
return res
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic parameterized stochastic Schrodinger equation solver
def _ssesolve_generic(sso, options, progress_bar):
Internal function for carrying out a sse integration. Used by ssesolve.
if debug:
sso.N_store = len(sso.times)
sso.N_substeps = sso.nsubsteps
sso.dt = (sso.times[1] - sso.times[0]) / sso.N_substeps
nt = sso.ntraj
data = Result()
data.solver = "ssesolve"
data.times = sso.times
data.expect = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
data.ss = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
data.noise = []
data.measurement = []
# pre-compute collapse operator combinations that are commonly needed
# when evaluating the RHS of stochastic Schrodinger equations
sso.A_ops = sso.generate_A_ops(sso.sc_ops, sso.H)
map_kwargs = {'progress_bar': progress_bar}
task = _ssesolve_single_trajectory
task_args = (sso,)
task_kwargs = {}
results = sso.map_func(task, list(range(sso.ntraj)),
task_args, task_kwargs, **map_kwargs)
for result in results:
states_list, dW, m, expect, ss = result
data.expect += expect
data.ss += ss
# average density matrices
if options.average_states and np.any(data.states):
data.states = [sum([ket2dm(data.states[mm][n])
for mm in range(nt)]).unit()
for n in range(len(data.times))]
# average
data.expect = data.expect / nt
# standard error
if nt > 1:
data.se = (data.ss - nt * (data.expect ** 2)) / (nt * (nt - 1))
data.se = None
# convert complex data to real if hermitian
data.expect = [np.real(data.expect[n, :])
if e.isherm else data.expect[n, :]
for n, e in enumerate(sso.e_ops)]
return data
def _ssesolve_single_trajectory(n, sso):
Internal function. See ssesolve.
dt = sso.dt
times = sso.times
d1, d2 = sso.d1, sso.d2
d2_len = sso.d2_len
e_ops = sso.e_ops
H_data = sso.H.data
A_ops = sso.A_ops
expect = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
ss = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
psi_t = sso.state0.full().ravel()
dims = sso.state0.dims
# reseed the random number generator so that forked
# processes do not get the same sequence of random numbers
np.random.seed((n+1) * np.random.randint(0, 4294967295 // (sso.ntraj+1)))
if sso.noise is None:
if sso.homogeneous:
if sso.distribution == 'normal':
dW = np.sqrt(dt) * \
np.random.randn(len(A_ops), sso.N_store, sso.N_substeps,
raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for ' +
'homogeneous process.')
if sso.distribution != 'poisson':
raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for ' +
'inhomogeneous process.')
dW = np.zeros((len(A_ops), sso.N_store, sso.N_substeps, d2_len))
dW = sso.noise[n]
states_list = []
measurements = np.zeros((len(times), len(sso.m_ops), d2_len),
for t_idx, t in enumerate(times):
if e_ops:
for e_idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
s = cy_expect_psi_csr(e.data.data,
e.data.indptr, psi_t, 0)
expect[e_idx, t_idx] += s
ss[e_idx, t_idx] += s ** 2
states_list.append(Qobj(psi_t, dims=dims))
for j in range(sso.N_substeps):
if sso.noise is None and not sso.homogeneous:
for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
# dw_expect = norm(spmv(A[0], psi_t)) ** 2 * dt
dw_expect = cy_expect_psi_csr(A[3].data,
A[3].indptr, psi_t, 1) * dt
dW[a_idx, t_idx, j, :] = np.random.poisson(dw_expect,
psi_t = sso.rhs(H_data, psi_t, t + dt * j,
A_ops, dt, dW[:, t_idx, j, :], d1, d2, sso.args)
# optionally renormalize the wave function
if sso.normalize:
psi_t /= norm(psi_t)
if sso.store_measurement:
for m_idx, m in enumerate(sso.m_ops):
for dW_idx, dW_factor in enumerate(sso.dW_factors):
if m[dW_idx]:
m_data = m[dW_idx].data
m_expt = cy_expect_psi_csr(m_data.data,
psi_t, 0)
m_expt = 0
mm = (m_expt + dW_factor *
dW[m_idx, t_idx, :, dW_idx].sum() /
(dt * sso.N_substeps))
measurements[t_idx, m_idx, dW_idx] = mm
if d2_len == 1:
measurements = measurements.squeeze(axis=(2))
return states_list, dW, measurements, expect, ss
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic parameterized stochastic master equation solver
def _smesolve_generic(sso, options, progress_bar):
Internal function. See smesolve.
if debug:
sso.N_store = len(sso.times)
sso.N_substeps = sso.nsubsteps
sso.dt = (sso.times[1] - sso.times[0]) / sso.N_substeps
nt = sso.ntraj
data = Result()
data.solver = "smesolve"
data.times = sso.times
data.expect = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
data.ss = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
data.noise = []
data.measurement = []
# Liouvillian for the deterministic part.
# needs to be modified for TD systems
sso.L = liouvillian(sso.H, sso.c_ops)
# pre-compute suporoperator operator combinations that are commonly needed
# when evaluating the RHS of stochastic master equations
sso.A_ops = sso.generate_A_ops(sso.sc_ops, sso.L.data, sso.dt)
# use .data instead of Qobj ?
sso.s_e_ops = [spre(e) for e in sso.e_ops]
if sso.m_ops:
sso.s_m_ops = [[spre(m) if m else None for m in m_op]
for m_op in sso.m_ops]
sso.s_m_ops = [[spre(c) for _ in range(sso.d2_len)]
for c in sso.sc_ops]
map_kwargs = {'progress_bar': progress_bar}
task = _smesolve_single_trajectory
task_args = (sso,)
task_kwargs = {}
results = sso.map_func(task, list(range(sso.ntraj)),
task_args, task_kwargs, **map_kwargs)
for result in results:
states_list, dW, m, expect, ss = result
data.expect += expect
data.ss += ss
# average density matrices
if options.average_states and np.any(data.states):
data.states = [sum([data.states[mm][n] for mm in range(nt)]).unit()
for n in range(len(data.times))]
# average
data.expect = data.expect / nt
# standard error
if nt > 1:
data.se = (data.ss - nt * (data.expect ** 2)) / (nt * (nt - 1))
data.se = None
# convert complex data to real if hermitian
data.expect = [np.real(data.expect[n, :])
if e.isherm else data.expect[n, :]
for n, e in enumerate(sso.e_ops)]
return data
def _smesolve_single_trajectory(n, sso):
Internal function. See smesolve.
dt = sso.dt
times = sso.times
d1, d2 = sso.d1, sso.d2
d2_len = sso.d2_len
L_data = sso.L.data
N_substeps = sso.N_substeps
N_store = sso.N_store
A_ops = sso.A_ops
rho_t = mat2vec(sso.state0.full()).ravel()
dims = sso.state0.dims
expect = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
ss = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), sso.N_store), dtype=complex)
# reseed the random number generator so that forked
# processes do not get the same sequence of random numbers
np.random.seed((n+1) * np.random.randint(0, 4294967295 // (sso.ntraj+1)))
if sso.noise is None:
if sso.generate_noise:
dW = sso.generate_noise(len(A_ops), N_store, N_substeps,
sso.d2_len, dt)
elif sso.homogeneous:
if sso.distribution == 'normal':
dW = np.sqrt(dt) * np.random.randn(len(A_ops), N_store,
N_substeps, d2_len)
raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for ' +
'homogeneous process.')
if sso.distribution != 'poisson':
raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for ' +
'inhomogeneous process.')
dW = np.zeros((len(A_ops), N_store, N_substeps, d2_len))
dW = sso.noise[n]
states_list = []
measurements = np.zeros((len(times), len(sso.s_m_ops), d2_len),
for t_idx, t in enumerate(times):
if sso.s_e_ops:
for e_idx, e in enumerate(sso.s_e_ops):
s = cy_expect_rho_vec(e.data, rho_t, 0)
expect[e_idx, t_idx] += s
ss[e_idx, t_idx] += s ** 2
if sso.store_states or not sso.s_e_ops:
states_list.append(Qobj(vec2mat(rho_t), dims=dims))
rho_prev = np.copy(rho_t)
for j in range(N_substeps):
if sso.noise is None and not sso.homogeneous:
for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
dw_expect = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[4], rho_t, 1) * dt
if dw_expect > 0:
dW[a_idx, t_idx, j, :] = np.random.poisson(dw_expect,
dW[a_idx, t_idx, j, :] = np.zeros(d2_len)
rho_t = sso.rhs(L_data, rho_t, t + dt * j,
A_ops, dt, dW[:, t_idx, j, :], d1, d2, sso.args)
if sso.store_measurement:
for m_idx, m in enumerate(sso.s_m_ops):
for dW_idx, dW_factor in enumerate(sso.dW_factors):
if m[dW_idx]:
m_expt = cy_expect_rho_vec(m[dW_idx].data, rho_prev, 0)
m_expt = 0
measurements[t_idx, m_idx, dW_idx] = m_expt + dW_factor * \
dW[m_idx, t_idx, :, dW_idx].sum() / (dt * N_substeps)
if d2_len == 1:
measurements = measurements.squeeze(axis=(2))
return states_list, dW, measurements, expect, ss
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic parameterized stochastic SE PDP solver
def _ssepdpsolve_generic(sso, options, progress_bar):
For internal use. See ssepdpsolve.
if debug:
N_store = len(sso.times)
N_substeps = sso.nsubsteps
dt = (sso.times[1] - sso.times[0]) / N_substeps
nt = sso.ntraj
data = Result()
data.solver = "sepdpsolve"
data.times = sso.tlist
data.expect = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), N_store), dtype=complex)
data.ss = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), N_store), dtype=complex)
data.jump_times = []
data.jump_op_idx = []
# effective hamiltonian for deterministic part
Heff = sso.H
for c in sso.c_ops:
Heff += -0.5j * c.dag() * c
for n in range(sso.ntraj):
psi_t = sso.state0.full().ravel()
states_list, jump_times, jump_op_idx = \
_ssepdpsolve_single_trajectory(data, Heff, dt, sso.times,
N_store, N_substeps,
psi_t, sso.state0.dims,
sso.c_ops, sso.e_ops)
# average density matrices
if options.average_states and np.any(data.states):
data.states = [sum([data.states[m][n] for m in range(nt)]).unit()
for n in range(len(data.times))]
# average
data.expect = data.expect / nt
# standard error
if nt > 1:
data.se = (data.ss - nt * (data.expect ** 2)) / (nt * (nt - 1))
data.se = None
# convert complex data to real if hermitian
data.expect = [np.real(data.expect[n, :])
if e.isherm else data.expect[n, :]
for n, e in enumerate(sso.e_ops)]
return data
def _ssepdpsolve_single_trajectory(data, Heff, dt, times, N_store, N_substeps,
psi_t, dims, c_ops, e_ops):
Internal function. See ssepdpsolve.
states_list = []
phi_t = np.copy(psi_t)
prng = RandomState() # todo: seed it
r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)
jump_times = []
jump_op_idx = []
for t_idx, t in enumerate(times):
if e_ops:
for e_idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
s = cy_expect_psi_csr(
e.data.data, e.data.indices, e.data.indptr, psi_t, 0)
data.expect[e_idx, t_idx] += s
data.ss[e_idx, t_idx] += s ** 2
states_list.append(Qobj(psi_t, dims=dims))
for j in range(N_substeps):
if norm(phi_t) ** 2 < r_jump:
# jump occurs
p = np.array([norm(c.data * psi_t) ** 2 for c in c_ops])
p = np.cumsum(p / np.sum(p))
n = np.where(p >= r_op)[0][0]
# apply jump
psi_t = c_ops[n].data * psi_t
psi_t /= norm(psi_t)
phi_t = np.copy(psi_t)
# store info about jump
jump_times.append(times[t_idx] + dt * j)
# get new random numbers for next jump
r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)
# deterministic evolution wihtout correction for norm decay
dphi_t = (-1.0j * dt) * (Heff.data * phi_t)
# deterministic evolution with correction for norm decay
dpsi_t = (-1.0j * dt) * (Heff.data * psi_t)
A = 0.5 * np.sum([norm(c.data * psi_t) ** 2 for c in c_ops])
dpsi_t += dt * A * psi_t
# increment wavefunctions
phi_t += dphi_t
psi_t += dpsi_t
# ensure that normalized wavefunction remains normalized
# this allows larger time step than otherwise would be possible
psi_t /= norm(psi_t)
return states_list, jump_times, jump_op_idx
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic parameterized stochastic ME PDP solver
def _smepdpsolve_generic(sso, options, progress_bar):
For internal use. See smepdpsolve.
if debug:
N_store = len(sso.times)
N_substeps = sso.nsubsteps
dt = (sso.times[1] - sso.times[0]) / N_substeps
nt = sso.ntraj
data = Result()
data.solver = "smepdpsolve"
data.times = sso.times
data.expect = np.zeros((len(sso.e_ops), N_store), dtype=complex)
data.jump_times = []
data.jump_op_idx = []
# Liouvillian for the deterministic part.
# needs to be modified for TD systems
L = liouvillian(sso.H, sso.c_ops)
for n in range(sso.ntraj):
rho_t = mat2vec(sso.rho0.full()).ravel()
states_list, jump_times, jump_op_idx = \
_smepdpsolve_single_trajectory(data, L, dt, sso.times,
N_store, N_substeps,
rho_t, sso.rho0.dims,
sso.c_ops, sso.e_ops)
# average density matrices
if options.average_states and np.any(data.states):
data.states = [sum([data.states[m][n] for m in range(nt)]).unit()
for n in range(len(data.times))]
# average
data.expect = data.expect / sso.ntraj
# standard error
if nt > 1:
data.se = (data.ss - nt * (data.expect ** 2)) / (nt * (nt - 1))
data.se = None
return data
def _smepdpsolve_single_trajectory(data, L, dt, times, N_store, N_substeps,
rho_t, dims, c_ops, e_ops):
Internal function. See smepdpsolve.
states_list = []
rho_t = np.copy(rho_t)
sigma_t = np.copy(rho_t)
prng = RandomState() # todo: seed it
r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)
jump_times = []
jump_op_idx = []
for t_idx, t in enumerate(times):
if e_ops:
for e_idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
data.expect[e_idx, t_idx] += expect_rho_vec(e, rho_t)
states_list.append(Qobj(vec2mat(rho_t), dims=dims))
for j in range(N_substeps):
if sigma_t.norm() < r_jump:
# jump occurs
p = np.array([expect(c.dag() * c, rho_t) for c in c_ops])
p = np.cumsum(p / np.sum(p))
n = np.where(p >= r_op)[0][0]
# apply jump
rho_t = c_ops[n] * rho_t * c_ops[n].dag()
rho_t /= expect(c_ops[n].dag() * c_ops[n], rho_t)
sigma_t = np.copy(rho_t)
# store info about jump
jump_times.append(times[t_idx] + dt * j)
# get new random numbers for next jump
r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)
# deterministic evolution wihtout correction for norm decay
dsigma_t = spmv(L.data, sigma_t) * dt
# deterministic evolution with correction for norm decay
drho_t = spmv(L.data, rho_t) * dt
rho_t += drho_t
# increment density matrices
sigma_t += dsigma_t
rho_t += drho_t
return states_list, jump_times, jump_op_idx
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper-functions for stochastic DE
# d1 = deterministic part of the contribution to the DE RHS function, to be
# multiplied by the increament dt
# d1 = stochastic part of the contribution to the DE RHS function, to be
# multiplied by the increament dW
# For SSE
# Function sigurature:
# def d(A, psi):
# psi = wave function at the current time step
# A[0] = c
# A[1] = c + c.dag()
# A[2] = c - c.dag()
# A[3] = c.dag() * c
# where c is a collapse operator. The combinations of c's stored in A are
# precomputed before the time-evolution is started to avoid repeated
# computations.
def _generate_psi_A_ops(sc_ops, H):
pre-compute superoperator operator combinations that are commonly needed
when evaluating the RHS of stochastic schrodinger equations
A_ops = []
for c_idx, c in enumerate(sc_ops):
(c + c.dag()).data,
(c - c.dag()).data,
(c.dag() * c).data])
return A_ops
def d1_psi_homodyne(t, psi, A, args):
Todo: cythonize
.. math::
D_1(C, \psi) = \\frac{1}{2}(\\langle C + C^\\dagger\\rangle\\C psi -
C^\\dagger C\\psi - \\frac{1}{4}\\langle C + C^\\dagger\\rangle^2\\psi)
e1 = cy_expect_psi_csr(A[1].data, A[1].indices, A[1].indptr, psi, 0)
return 0.5 * (e1 * spmv(A[0], psi) -
spmv(A[3], psi) -
0.25 * e1 ** 2 * psi)
def d2_psi_homodyne(t, psi, A, args):
Todo: cythonize
.. math::
D_2(\psi, t) = (C - \\frac{1}{2}\\langle C + C^\\dagger\\rangle)\\psi
e1 = cy_expect_psi_csr(A[1].data, A[1].indices, A[1].indptr, psi, 0)
return [spmv(A[0], psi) - 0.5 * e1 * psi]
def d1_psi_heterodyne(t, psi, A, args):
Todo: cythonize
.. math::
D_1(\psi, t) = -\\frac{1}{2}(C^\\dagger C -
\\langle C^\\dagger \\rangle C +
\\frac{1}{2}\\langle C \\rangle\\langle C^\\dagger \\rangle))\psi
e_C = cy_expect_psi_csr(A[0].data, A[0].indices, A[0].indptr, psi, 0)
B = A[0].T.conj()
e_Cd = cy_expect_psi_csr(B.data, B.indices, B.indptr, psi, 0)
return (-0.5 * spmv(A[3], psi) +
0.5 * e_Cd * spmv(A[0], psi) -
0.25 * e_C * e_Cd * psi)
def d2_psi_heterodyne(t, psi, A, args):
Todo: cythonize
X = \\frac{1}{2}(C + C^\\dagger)
Y = \\frac{1}{2}(C - C^\\dagger)
D_{2,1}(\psi, t) = \\sqrt(1/2) (C - \\langle X \\rangle) \\psi
D_{2,2}(\psi, t) = -i\\sqrt(1/2) (C - \\langle Y \\rangle) \\psi
X = 0.5 * cy_expect_psi_csr(A[1].data, A[1].indices, A[1].indptr, psi, 0)
Y = 0.5 * cy_expect_psi_csr(A[2].data, A[2].indices, A[2].indptr, psi, 0)
d2_1 = np.sqrt(0.5) * (spmv(A[0], psi) - X * psi)
d2_2 = -1.0j * np.sqrt(0.5) * (spmv(A[0], psi) - Y * psi)
return [d2_1, d2_2]
def d1_psi_photocurrent(t, psi, A, args):
Todo: cythonize.
Note: requires poisson increments
.. math::
D_1(\psi, t) = - \\frac{1}{2}(C^\dagger C \psi - ||C\psi||^2 \psi)
return (-0.5 * (spmv(A[3], psi)
- norm(spmv(A[0], psi)) ** 2 * psi))
def d2_psi_photocurrent(t, psi, A, args):
Todo: cythonize
Note: requires poisson increments
.. math::
D_2(\psi, t) = C\psi / ||C\psi|| - \psi
psi_1 = spmv(A[0], psi)
n1 = norm(psi_1)
if n1 != 0:
return [psi_1 / n1 - psi]
return [- psi]
# For SME
# def d(A, rho_vec):
# rho = density operator in vector form at the current time stemp
# A[_idx_A_L] = spre(a) = A_L
# A[_idx_A_R] = spost(a) = A_R
# A[_idx_Ad_L] = spre(a.dag()) = Ad_L
# A[_idx_Ad_R] = spost(a.dag()) = Ad_R
# A[_idx_AdA_L] = spre(a.dag() * a) = (Ad A)_L
# A[_idx_AdA_R] = spost(a.dag() * a) = (Ad A)_R
# A[_idx_A_LxAd_R] = (spre(a) * spost(a.dag()) = A_L * Ad_R
# A[_idx_LD] = lindblad_dissipator(a)
_idx_A_L = 0
_idx_A_R = 1
_idx_Ad_L = 2
_idx_Ad_R = 3
_idx_AdA_L = 4
_idx_AdA_R = 5
_idx_A_LxAd_R = 6
_idx_LD = 7
def _generate_rho_A_ops(sc, L, dt):
pre-compute superoperator operator combinations that are commonly needed
when evaluating the RHS of stochastic master equations
out = []
for c_idx, c in enumerate(sc):
n = c.dag() * c
(spre(c) * spost(c.dag())).data,
lindblad_dissipator(c, data_only=True)])
return out
def _generate_A_ops_Euler(sc, L, dt):
combine precomputed operators in one long operator for the Euler method
A_len = len(sc)
out = []
out += [spre(c).data + spost(c.dag()).data for c in sc]
out += [(L + np.sum(
[lindblad_dissipator(c, data_only=True) for c in sc], axis=0)) * dt]
out1 = [[sp.vstack(out).tocsr(), sc[0].shape[0]]]
# the following hack is required for compatibility with old A_ops
out1 += [[] for n in range(A_len - 1)]
# XXX: fix this!
out1[0][0].indices = np.array(out1[0][0].indices, dtype=np.int32)
out1[0][0].indptr = np.array(out1[0][0].indptr, dtype=np.int32)
return out1
def _generate_A_ops_Milstein(sc, L, dt):
combine precomputed operators in one long operator for the Milstein method
with commuting stochastic jump operators.
A_len = len(sc)
temp = [spre(c).data + spost(c.dag()).data for c in sc]
out = []
out += temp
out += [temp[n] * temp[n] for n in range(A_len)]
out += [temp[n] * temp[m] for (n, m) in np.ndindex(A_len, A_len) if n > m]
out += [(L + np.sum(
[lindblad_dissipator(c, data_only=True) for c in sc], axis=0)) * dt]
out1 = [[sp.vstack(out).tocsr(), sc[0].shape[0]]]
# the following hack is required for compatibility with old A_ops
out1 += [[] for n in range(A_len - 1)]
# XXX: fix this!
out1[0][0].indices = np.array(out1[0][0].indices, dtype=np.int32)
out1[0][0].indptr = np.array(out1[0][0].indptr, dtype=np.int32)
return out1
def _generate_noise_Milstein(sc_len, N_store, N_substeps, d2_len, dt):
generate noise terms for the fast Milstein scheme
dW_temp = np.sqrt(dt) * np.random.randn(sc_len, N_store, N_substeps, 1)
if sc_len == 1:
noise = np.vstack([dW_temp, 0.5 * (dW_temp * dW_temp - dt *
np.ones((sc_len, N_store, N_substeps, 1)))])
noise = np.vstack(
0.5 * (dW_temp * dW_temp -
dt * np.ones((sc_len, N_store, N_substeps, 1)))] +
[[dW_temp[n] * dW_temp[m]
for (n, m) in np.ndindex(sc_len, sc_len) if n > m]])
return noise
def sop_H(A, rho_vec):
Evaluate the superoperator
H[a] rho = a rho + rho a^\dagger - Tr[a rho + rho a^\dagger] rho
-> (A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec - E[(A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec] rho_vec
Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators
M = A[0] + A[3]
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
return spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
def sop_G(A, rho_vec):
Evaluate the superoperator
G[a] rho = a rho a^\dagger / Tr[a rho a^\dagger] - rho
-> A_L Ad_R rho_vec / Tr[A_L Ad_R rho_vec] - rho_vec
Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[6], rho_vec, 0)
if e1 > 1e-15:
return spmv(A[6], rho_vec) / e1 - rho_vec
return -rho_vec
def d1_rho_homodyne(t, rho_vec, A, args):
D1[a] rho = lindblad_dissipator(a) * rho
Todo: cythonize
return spmv(A[7], rho_vec)
def d2_rho_homodyne(t, rho_vec, A, args):
D2[a] rho = a rho + rho a^\dagger - Tr[a rho + rho a^\dagger]
= (A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec - E[(A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec]
Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators
M = A[0] + A[3]
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
return [spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec]
def d1_rho_heterodyne(t, rho_vec, A, args):
todo: cythonize, docstrings
return spmv(A[7], rho_vec)
def d2_rho_heterodyne(t, rho_vec, A, args):
todo: cythonize, docstrings
M = A[0] + A[3]
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
d1 = spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
M = A[0] - A[3]
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
d2 = spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
return [1.0 / np.sqrt(2) * d1, -1.0j / np.sqrt(2) * d2]
def d1_rho_photocurrent(t, rho_vec, A, args):
Todo: cythonize, add (AdA)_L + AdA_R to precomputed operators
n_sum = A[4] + A[5]
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(n_sum, rho_vec, 0)
return 0.5 * (e1 * rho_vec - spmv(n_sum, rho_vec))
def d2_rho_photocurrent(t, rho_vec, A, args):
Todo: cythonize, add (AdA)_L + AdA_R to precomputed operators
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[6], rho_vec, 0)
if e1.real > 1e-15:
return [spmv(A[6], rho_vec) / e1 - rho_vec]
return [-rho_vec]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Deterministic part of the rho/psi update functions. TODO: Make these
# compatible with qutip's time-dependent hamiltonian and collapse operators
def _rhs_psi_deterministic(H, psi_t, t, dt, args):
Deterministic contribution to the density matrix change
dpsi_t = (-1.0j * dt) * (H * psi_t)
return dpsi_t
def _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args):
Deterministic contribution to the density matrix change
drho_t = spmv(L, rho_t) * dt
return drho_t
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Euler-Maruyama rhs functions for the stochastic Schrodinger and master
# equations
def _rhs_psi_euler_maruyama(H, psi_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
Euler-Maruyama rhs function for wave function solver.
dW_len = len(dW[0, :])
dpsi_t = _rhs_psi_deterministic(H, psi_t, t, dt, args)
for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
d2_vec = d2(t, psi_t, A, args)
dpsi_t += d1(t, psi_t, A, args) * dt + \
np.sum([d2_vec[n] * dW[a_idx, n]
for n in range(dW_len) if dW[a_idx, n] != 0], axis=0)
return psi_t + dpsi_t
def _rhs_rho_euler_maruyama(L, rho_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
Euler-Maruyama rhs function for density matrix solver.
dW_len = len(dW[0, :])
drho_t = _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args)
for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
d2_vec = d2(t, rho_t, A, args)
drho_t += d1(t, rho_t, A, args) * dt
drho_t += np.sum([d2_vec[n] * dW[a_idx, n]
for n in range(dW_len) if dW[a_idx, n] != 0], axis=0)
return rho_t + drho_t
def _rhs_rho_euler_homodyne_fast(L, rho_t, t, A, dt, ddW, d1, d2, args):
Fast Euler-Maruyama for homodyne detection.
dW = ddW[:, 0]
d_vec = spmv(A[0][0], rho_t).reshape(-1, len(rho_t))
e = d_vec[:-1].reshape(-1, A[0][1], A[0][1]).trace(axis1=1, axis2=2)
drho_t = d_vec[-1]
drho_t += np.dot(dW, d_vec[:-1])
drho_t += (1.0 - np.inner(np.real(e), dW)) * rho_t
return drho_t
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Platen method
def _rhs_psi_platen(H, psi_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
TODO: support multiple stochastic increments
.. note::
sqrt_dt = np.sqrt(dt)
dpsi_t = _rhs_psi_deterministic(H, psi_t, t, dt, args)
for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
# XXX: This needs to be revised now that
# dpsi_t is the change for all stochastic collapse operators
# TODO: needs to be updated to support mutiple Weiner increments
dpsi_t_H = (-1.0j * dt) * spmv(H, psi_t)
psi_t_1 = (psi_t + dpsi_t_H +
d1(A, psi_t) * dt +
d2(A, psi_t)[0] * dW[a_idx, 0])
psi_t_p = (psi_t + dpsi_t_H +
d1(A, psi_t) * dt +
d2(A, psi_t)[0] * sqrt_dt)
psi_t_m = (psi_t + dpsi_t_H +
d1(A, psi_t) * dt -
d2(A, psi_t)[0] * sqrt_dt)
dpsi_t += (
0.50 * (d1(A, psi_t_1) + d1(A, psi_t)) * dt +
0.25 * (d2(A, psi_t_p)[0] + d2(A, psi_t_m)[0] +
2 * d2(A, psi_t)[0]) * dW[a_idx, 0] +
0.25 * (d2(A, psi_t_p)[0] - d2(A, psi_t_m)[0]) *
(dW[a_idx, 0] ** 2 - dt) / sqrt_dt
return dpsi_t
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Milstein rhs functions for the stochastic master equation
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_single(L, rho_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2,
.. note::
Milstein scheme for homodyne detection with single jump operator.
A = A_ops[0]
M = A[0] + A[3]
e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_t, 0)
d2_vec = spmv(M, rho_t)
d2_vec2 = spmv(M, d2_vec)
e2 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, d2_vec, 0)
drho_t = _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args)
drho_t += spmv(A[7], rho_t) * dt
drho_t += (d2_vec - e1 * rho_t) * dW[0, 0]
drho_t += 0.5 * (d2_vec2 - 2 * e1 * d2_vec + (-e2 + 2 * e1 * e1) *
rho_t) * (dW[0, 0] * dW[0, 0] - dt)
return rho_t + drho_t
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne(L, rho_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
.. note::
Milstein scheme for homodyne detection.
This implementation works for commuting stochastic jump operators.
TODO: optimizations: do calculation for n>m only
A_len = len(A_ops)
M = np.array([A_ops[n][0] + A_ops[n][3] for n in range(A_len)])
e1 = np.array([cy_expect_rho_vec(M[n], rho_t, 0) for n in range(A_len)])
d1_vec = np.sum([spmv(A_ops[n][7], rho_t)
for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)
d2_vec = np.array([spmv(M[n], rho_t)
for n in range(A_len)])
# This calculation is suboptimal. We need only values for m>n in case of
# commuting jump operators.
d2_vec2 = np.array([[spmv(M[n], d2_vec[m])
for m in range(A_len)] for n in range(A_len)])
e2 = np.array([[cy_expect_rho_vec(M[n], d2_vec[m], 0)
for m in range(A_len)] for n in range(A_len)])
drho_t = _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args)
drho_t += d1_vec * dt
drho_t += np.sum([(d2_vec[n] - e1[n] * rho_t) * dW[n, 0]
for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)
drho_t += 0.5 * np.sum(
[(d2_vec2[n, n] - 2.0 * e1[n] * d2_vec[n] +
(-e2[n, n] + 2.0 * e1[n] * e1[n]) * rho_t) * (dW[n, 0]*dW[n, 0] - dt)
for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)
# This calculation is suboptimal. We need only values for m>n in case of
# commuting jump operators.
drho_t += 0.5 * np.sum(
[(d2_vec2[n, m] - e1[m] * d2_vec[n] - e1[n] * d2_vec[m] +
(-e2[n, m] + 2.0 * e1[n] * e1[m]) * rho_t) * (dW[n, 0] * dW[m, 0])
for (n, m) in np.ndindex(A_len, A_len) if n != m], axis=0)
return rho_t + drho_t
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_single_fast(L, rho_t, t, A, dt, ddW, d1, d2,
fast Milstein for homodyne detection with 1 stochastic operator
dW = ddW[:, 0]
d_vec = spmv(A[0][0], rho_t).reshape(-1, len(rho_t))
e = np.real(
d_vec[:-1].reshape(-1, A[0][1], A[0][1]).trace(axis1=1, axis2=2))
e[1] -= 2.0 * e[0] * e[0]
drho_t = (1.0 - np.inner(e, dW)) * rho_t
dW[0] -= 2.0 * e[0] * dW[1]
drho_t += d_vec[-1]
drho_t += np.dot(dW, d_vec[:-1])
return drho_t
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_two_fast(L, rho_t, t, A, dt, ddW, d1, d2, args):
fast Milstein for homodyne detection with 2 stochastic operators
dW = ddW[:, 0]
d_vec = spmv(A[0][0], rho_t).reshape(-1, len(rho_t))
e = np.real(
d_vec[:-1].reshape(-1, A[0][1], A[0][1]).trace(axis1=1, axis2=2))
d_vec[-2] -= np.dot(e[:2][::-1], d_vec[:2])
e[2:4] -= 2.0 * e[:2] * e[:2]
e[4] -= 2.0 * e[1] * e[0]
drho_t = (1.0 - np.inner(e, dW)) * rho_t
dW[:2] -= 2.0 * e[:2] * dW[2:4]
drho_t += d_vec[-1]
drho_t += np.dot(dW, d_vec[:-1])
return drho_t
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_fast(L, rho_t, t, A, dt, ddW, d1, d2, args):
fast Milstein for homodyne detection with >2 stochastic operators
dW = ddW[:, 0]
sc_len = len(A)
sc2_len = 2 * sc_len
d_vec = spmv(A[0][0], rho_t).reshape(-1, len(rho_t))
e = np.real(d_vec[:-1].reshape(
-1, A[0][1], A[0][1]).trace(axis1=1, axis2=2))
d_vec[sc2_len:-1] -= np.array(
[e[m] * d_vec[n] + e[n] * d_vec[m]
for (n, m) in np.ndindex(sc_len, sc_len) if n > m])
e[sc_len:sc2_len] -= 2.0 * e[:sc_len] * e[:sc_len]
e[sc2_len:] -= 2.0 * np.array(
[e[n] * e[m] for (n, m) in np.ndindex(sc_len, sc_len) if n > m])
drho_t = (1.0 - np.inner(e, dW)) * rho_t
dW[:sc_len] -= 2.0 * e[:sc_len] * dW[sc_len:sc2_len]
drho_t += d_vec[-1]
drho_t += np.dot(dW, d_vec[:-1])
return drho_t