The goal of this guide is to introduce you to the basic structures and functions that make up QuTiP. This guide is divided up into several sections, each highlighting a specific set of functionalities. In combination with the examples, which can be found on the project web page, this guide should provide a more or less complete overview. In addition, the API documentation for each function is located at after of this guide.
QuTiP is designed to be a general framework for solving quantum mechanics problems such as systems composed of few-level quantum systems and harmonic oscillators. To this end, QuTiP is built from a large (and ever growing) library of functions and classes; from qutip.states.basis to qutip.wigner. The general organization of QuTiP, highlighting the important API available to the user, is shown in the QuTiP tree-diagram of user accessible functions and classes.
QuTiP tree-diagram of user accessible functions and classes.