Extension for CUDA.jl
This is an extension to support GPU (CUDA.jl
) acceleration for solving the time evolution and spectra. This improves the execution time and memory usage especially when the HEOMLS matrix is super large.
The functions of calculating time evolution (only supports ODE method with time-independent system Hamiltonian) and spectra will automatically choose to solve on CPU or GPU depend on the type of the sparse matrix in M::AbstractHEOMLSMatrix
objects (i.e., the type of the field M.data
typeof(M.data) <: SparseMatrixCSC # solve on CPU
typeof(M.data) <: CuSparseMatrixCSC # solve on GPU
We wrapped several functions in CUDA and CUDA.CUSPARSE in order to not only converting QuantumObject.data into GPU arrays, but also changing the element type and word size (32 and 64) since some of the GPUs perform better in 32-bit. The functions are listed as follows (where input A is a QuantumObject):
Therefore, we wrapped several functions in CUDA
in order to not only converting a HEOMLS-matrix-type object into GPU arrays, but also changing the element type and word size (32
and 64
) since some of the GPUs perform better in 32
-bit. The functions are listed as follows (where input M
is a AbstractHEOMLSMatrix
cu(M, word_size=64)
: TranslateM.data
into CUDA arrays with specifiedword_size
: TranslateM.data
into the typeCuSparseMatrixCSC{T, Int32}
The extension will be automatically loaded if user imports the package CUDA.jl
using HierarchicalEOM
using LinearSolve # to change the solver for better GPU performance
using CUDA
CUDA.allowscalar(false) # Avoid unexpected scalar indexing
Here, we demonstrate this extension by using the example of the single-impurity Anderson model.
ϵ = -5
U = 10
Γ = 2
μ = 0
W = 10
kT = 0.5
N = 5
tier = 3
tlist = 0:0.1:10
ωlist = -10:1:10
σm = [0 1; 0 0]
σz = [1 0; 0 -1]
II = [1 0; 0 1]
d_up = kron( σm, II)
d_dn = kron(-1 * σz, σm)
ρ0 = kron([1 0; 0 0], [1 0; 0 0])
Hsys = ϵ * (d_up' * d_up + d_dn' * d_dn) + U * (d_up' * d_up * d_dn' * d_dn)
bath_up = Fermion_Lorentz_Pade(d_up, Γ, μ, W, kT, N)
bath_dn = Fermion_Lorentz_Pade(d_dn, Γ, μ, W, kT, N)
bath_list = [bath_up, bath_dn]
# even HEOMLS matrix
M_even_cpu = M_Fermion(Hsys, tier, bath_list)
M_even_gpu = cu(M_even_cpu, word_size = 32)
# odd HEOMLS matrix
M_odd_cpu = M_Fermion(Hsys, tier, bath_list, ODD)
M_odd_gpu = cu(M_odd_cpu, word_size = 32)
# solve steady state with CPU
ados_ss = steadystate(M_even_cpu);
This extension does not support for solving stationary state on GPU since it is not efficient and might get wrong solutions. If you really want to obtain the stationary state with GPU, you can repeatedly solve the time evolution until you find it.
Solving time evolution with CPU
ados_list_cpu = HEOMsolve(M_even_cpu, ρ0, tlist)
Solving time evolution with GPU
ados_list_gpu = HEOMsolve(M_even_gpu, ρ0, tlist)
Solving Spectrum with CPU
dos_cpu = DensityOfStates(M_odd_cpu, ados_ss, d_up, ωlist)
Solving Spectrum with GPU
dos_gpu = DensityOfStates(M_odd_gpu, ados_ss, d_up, ωlist; solver=KrylovJL_BICGSTAB(rtol=1f-10, atol=1f-12))