import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from qutip.operators import tensor, identity, destroy, sigmax, sigmaz
from qutip.states import basis
from qutip.qip.circuit import QubitCircuit, Gate
from qutip.qip.device.processor import Processor
from qutip.qip.device.modelprocessor import ModelProcessor
from qutip.qip.operations import expand_operator
from qutip.qobj import Qobj
from qutip.qobjevo import QobjEvo
from qutip.qip.pulse import Pulse
from qutip.qip.compiler.gatecompiler import GateCompiler
from qutip.qip.compiler import CavityQEDCompiler
__all__ = ['DispersiveCavityQED']
[docs]class DispersiveCavityQED(ModelProcessor):
The processor based on the physical implementation of
a dispersive cavity QED system.
The available Hamiltonian of the system is predefined.
For a given pulse amplitude matrix, the processor can
calculate the state evolution under the given control pulse,
either analytically or numerically.
(Only additional attributes are documented here, for others please
refer to the parent class :class:`.ModelProcessor`)
N: int
The number of qubits in the system.
correct_global_phase: float, optional
Save the global phase, the analytical solution
will track the global phase.
It has no effect on the numerical solution.
num_levels: int, optional
The number of energy levels in the resonator.
deltamax: int or list, optional
The coefficients of sigma-x for each of the qubits in the system.
epsmax: int or list, optional
The coefficients of sigma-z for each of the qubits in the system.
w0: int, optional
The base frequency of the resonator.
eps: int or list, optional
The epsilon for each of the qubits in the system.
delta: int or list, optional
The epsilon for each of the qubits in the system.
g: int or list, optional
The interaction strength for each of the qubit with the resonator.
t1: list or float
Characterize the decoherence of amplitude damping for
each qubit. A list of size `N` or a float for all qubits.
t2: list of float
Characterize the decoherence of dephasing for
each qubit. A list of size `N` or a float for all qubits.
sx_ops: list
A list of sigmax Hamiltonians for each qubit.
sz_ops: list
A list of sigmaz Hamiltonians for each qubit.
cavityqubit_ops: list
A list of interacting Hamiltonians between cavity and each qubit.
sx_u: array_like
Pulse matrix for sigmax Hamiltonians.
sz_u: array_like
Pulse matrix for sigmaz Hamiltonians.
g_u: array_like
Pulse matrix for interacting Hamiltonians
between cavity and each qubit.
wq: list of float
The frequency of the qubits calculated from
eps and delta for each qubit.
Delta: list of float
The detuning with respect to w0 calculated
from wq and w0 for each qubit.
def __init__(self, N, correct_global_phase=True,
num_levels=10, deltamax=1.0,
epsmax=9.5, w0=10., wq=None, eps=9.5,
delta=0.0, g=0.01, t1=None, t2=None):
super(DispersiveCavityQED, self).__init__(
N, correct_global_phase=correct_global_phase,
t1=t1, t2=t2)
self.correct_global_phase = correct_global_phase
self.spline_kind = "step_func"
self.num_levels = num_levels
self._params = {}
N=N, num_levels=num_levels, deltamax=deltamax,
epsmax=epsmax, w0=w0, wq=wq, eps=eps,
delta=delta, g=g)
self.dims = [num_levels] + [2] * N
[docs] def set_up_ops(self, N):
Generate the Hamiltonians for the spinchain model and save them in the
attribute `ctrls`.
N: int
The number of qubits in the system.
self.pulse_dict = {}
index = 0
# single qubit terms
for m in range(N):
Pulse(sigmax(), [m+1], spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
self.pulse_dict["sx" + str(m)] = index
index += 1
for m in range(N):
Pulse(sigmaz(), [m+1], spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
self.pulse_dict["sz" + str(m)] = index
index += 1
# coupling terms
a = tensor(
[destroy(self.num_levels)] +
[identity(2) for n in range(N)])
for n in range(N):
sm = tensor([identity(self.num_levels)] +
[destroy(2) if m == n else identity(2)
for m in range(N)])
Pulse(a.dag() * sm + a * sm.dag(),
list(range(N+1)), spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
self.pulse_dict["g" + str(n)] = index
index += 1
[docs] def set_up_params(
self, N, num_levels, deltamax,
epsmax, w0, wq, eps, delta, g):
Save the parameters in the attribute `params` and check the validity.
The keys of `params` including "sx", "sz", "w0", "eps", "delta"
and "g", each
mapped to a list for parameters corresponding to each qubits.
For coupling strength "g", list element i is the interaction
between qubits i and i+1.
N: int
The number of qubits in the system.
num_levels: int
The number of energy levels in the resonator.
deltamax: list
The coefficients of sigma-x for each of the qubits in the system.
epsmax: list
The coefficients of sigma-z for each of the qubits in the system.
wo: int
The base frequency of the resonator.
wq: list
The frequency of the qubits.
eps: list
The epsilon for each of the qubits in the system.
delta: list
The delta for each of the qubits in the system.
g: list
The interaction strength for each of the qubit with the resonator.
All parameters will be multiplied by 2*pi for simplicity
sx_para = 2 * np.pi * self.to_array(deltamax, N)
self._params["sx"] = sx_para
sz_para = 2 * np.pi * self.to_array(epsmax, N)
self._params["sz"] = sz_para
w0 = 2 * np.pi * w0
self._params["w0"] = w0
eps = 2 * np.pi * self.to_array(eps, N)
self._params["eps"] = eps
delta = 2 * np.pi * self.to_array(delta, N)
self._params["delta"] = delta
g = 2 * np.pi * self.to_array(g, N)
self._params["g"] = g
# computed
self.wq = np.sqrt(eps**2 + delta**2)
self.Delta = self.wq - w0
# rwa/dispersive regime tests
if any(g / (w0 - self.wq) > 0.05):
warnings.warn("Not in the dispersive regime")
if any((w0 - self.wq)/(w0 + self.wq) > 0.05):
"The rotating-wave approximation might not be valid.")
def sx_ops(self):
return self.ctrls[0: self.N]
def sz_ops(self):
return self.ctrls[self.N: 2*self.N]
def cavityqubit_ops(self):
return self.ctrls[2*self.N: 3*self.N]
def sx_u(self):
return self.coeffs[: self.N]
def sz_u(self):
return self.coeffs[self.N: 2*self.N]
def g_u(self):
return self.coeffs[2*self.N: 3*self.N]
[docs] def get_operators_labels(self):
Get the labels for each Hamiltonian.
It is used in the method``plot_pulses``.
It is a 2-d nested list, in the plot,
a different color will be used for each sublist.
return ([[r"$\sigma_x^%d$" % n for n in range(self.N)],
[r"$\sigma_z^%d$" % n for n in range(self.N)],
[r"$g_{%d}$" % (n) for n in range(self.N)]])
[docs] def optimize_circuit(self, qc):
Take a quantum circuit/algorithm and convert it into the
optimal form/basis for the desired physical system.
qc: :class:`.QubitCircuit`
Takes the quantum circuit to be implemented.
qc: :class:`.QubitCircuit`
The circuit representation with elementary gates
that can be implemented in this model.
self.qc0 = qc
self.qc1 = self.qc0.resolve_gates(
basis=["SQRTISWAP", "ISWAP", "RX", "RZ"])
return self.qc1
[docs] def eliminate_auxillary_modes(self, U):
Eliminate the auxillary modes like the cavity modes in cqed.
psi_proj = tensor(
[basis(self.num_levels, 0)] +
[identity(2) for n in range(self.N)])
return psi_proj.dag() * U * psi_proj
[docs] def load_circuit(
self, qc, schedule_mode="ASAP", compiler=None):
Decompose a :class:`.QubitCircuit` in to the control
amplitude generating the corresponding evolution.
qc: :class:`.QubitCircuit`
Takes the quantum circuit to be implemented.
tlist: array_like
A NumPy array specifies the time of each coefficient
coeffs: array_like
A 2d NumPy array of the shape (len(ctrls), len(tlist)). Each
row corresponds to the control pulse sequence for
one Hamiltonian.
gates = self.optimize_circuit(qc).gates
if compiler is None:
compiler = CavityQEDCompiler(
self.N, self._params,
tlist, coeffs = compiler.compile(
gates, schedule_mode=schedule_mode)
self.global_phase = compiler.global_phase
self.coeffs = coeffs
for i in range(len(coeffs)):
self.pulses[i].tlist = tlist[i]
return tlist, self.coeffs