Source code for qutip.nonmarkov.memorycascade

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# @author: Arne L. Grimsmo
# @email1:
# @organization: University of Sherbrooke

This module is an implementation of the method introduced in [1], for
solving open quantum systems subject to coherent feedback with a single
discrete time-delay. This method is referred to as the ``memory cascade''
method in qutip.

[1] Arne L. Grimsmo, Phys. Rev. Lett 115, 060402 (2015)

import numpy as np
import warnings

import qutip as qt

[docs]class MemoryCascade: """Class for running memory cascade simulations of open quantum systems with time-delayed coherent feedback. Attributes ---------- H_S : :class:`qutip.Qobj` System Hamiltonian (can also be a Liouvillian) L1 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` / list of :class:`qutip.Qobj` System operators coupling into the feedback loop. Can be a single operator or a list of operators. L2 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` / list of :class:`qutip.Qobj` System operators coupling out of the feedback loop. Can be a single operator or a list of operators. L2 must have the same length as L1. S_matrix: *array* S matrix describing which operators in L1 are coupled to which operators in L2 by the feedback channel. Defaults to an n by n identity matrix where n is the number of elements in L1/L2. c_ops_markov : :class:`qutip.Qobj` / list of :class:`qutip.Qobj` Decay operators describing conventional Markovian decay channels. Can be a single operator or a list of operators. integrator : str {'propagator', 'mesolve'} Integrator method to use. Defaults to 'propagator' which tends to be faster for long times (i.e., large Hilbert space). parallel : bool Run integrator in parallel if True. Only implemented for 'propagator' as the integrator method. options : :class:`qutip.solver.Options` Generic solver options. """ def __init__(self, H_S, L1, L2, S_matrix=None, c_ops_markov=None, integrator='propagator', parallel=False, options=None): if options is None: self.options = qt.Options() else: self.options = options self.H_S = H_S self.sysdims = H_S.dims if isinstance(L1, qt.Qobj): self.L1 = [L1] else: self.L1 = L1 if isinstance(L2, qt.Qobj): self.L2 = [L2] else: self.L2 = L2 if not len(self.L1) == len(self.L2): raise ValueError('L1 and L2 has to be of equal length.') if isinstance(c_ops_markov, qt.Qobj): self.c_ops_markov = [c_ops_markov] else: self.c_ops_markov = c_ops_markov if S_matrix is None: self.S_matrix = np.identity(len(self.L1)) else: self.S_matrix = S_matrix # create system identity superoperator self.Id = qt.qeye(H_S.shape[0]) self.Id.dims = self.sysdims self.Id = qt.sprepost(self.Id, self.Id) self.store_states = self.options.store_states self.integrator = integrator self.parallel = parallel
[docs] def propagator(self, t, tau, notrace=False): """ Compute propagator for time t and time-delay tau Parameters ---------- t : *float* current time tau : *float* time-delay notrace : *bool* {False} If this optional is set to True, a propagator is returned for a cascade of k systems, where :math:`(k-1) tau < t < k tau`. If set to False (default), a generalized partial trace is performed and a propagator for a single system is returned. Returns ------- : :class:`qutip.Qobj` time-propagator for reduced system dynamics """ k = int(t/tau)+1 s = t-(k-1)*tau G1, E0 = _generator(k, self.H_S, self.L1, self.L2, self.S_matrix, self.c_ops_markov) E = _integrate(G1, E0, 0., s, integrator=self.integrator, parallel=self.parallel, opt=self.options) if k > 1: G2, null = _generator(k-1, self.H_S, self.L1, self.L2, self.S_matrix, self.c_ops_markov) G2 = qt.composite(G2, self.Id) E = _integrate(G2, E, s, tau, integrator=self.integrator, parallel=self.parallel, opt=self.options) E.dims = E0.dims if not notrace: E = _genptrace(E, k) return E
[docs] def outfieldpropagator(self, blist, tlist, tau, c1=None, c2=None, notrace=False): r""" Compute propagator for computing output field expectation values <O_n(tn)...O_2(t2)O_1(t1)> for times t1,t2,... and O_i = I, b_out, b_out^\dagger, b_loop, b_loop^\dagger Parameters ---------- blist : array_like List of integers specifying the field operators: 0: I (nothing) 1: b_out 2: b_out^\dagger 3: b_loop 4: b_loop^\dagger tlist : array_like list of corresponding times t1,..,tn at which to evaluate the field operators tau : float time-delay c1 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` system collapse operator that couples to the in-loop field in question (only needs to be specified if self.L1 has more than one element) c2 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` system collapse operator that couples to the output field in question (only needs to be specified if self.L2 has more than one element) notrace : bool {False} If this optional is set to True, a propagator is returned for a cascade of k systems, where :math:`(k-1) tau < t < k tau`. If set to False (default), a generalized partial trace is performed and a propagator for a single system is returned. Returns ------- : :class:`qutip.Qobj` time-propagator for computing field correlation function """ if c1 is None and len(self.L1) == 1: c1 = self.L1[0] else: raise ValueError('Argument c1 has to be specified when more than' + 'one collapse operator couples to the feedback' + 'loop.') if c2 is None and len(self.L2) == 1: c2 = self.L2[0] else: raise ValueError('Argument c1 has to be specified when more than' + 'one collapse operator couples to the feedback' + 'loop.') klist = [] slist = [] for t in tlist: klist.append(int(t/tau)+1) slist.append(t-(klist[-1]-1)*tau) kmax = max(klist) zipped = sorted(zip(slist, klist, blist)) slist = [s for (s, k, b) in zipped] klist = [k for (s, k, b) in zipped] blist = [b for (s, k, b) in zipped] G1, E0 = _generator(kmax, self.H_S, self.L1, self.L2, self.S_matrix, self.c_ops_markov) sprev = 0. E = E0 for i, s in enumerate(slist): E = _integrate(G1, E, sprev, s, integrator=self.integrator, parallel=self.parallel, opt=self.options) if klist[i] == 1: l1 = 0.*qt.Qobj() else: l1 = _localop(c1, klist[i]-1, kmax) l2 = _localop(c2, klist[i], kmax) if blist[i] == 0: superop = self.Id elif blist[i] == 1: superop = qt.spre(l1+l2) elif blist[i] == 2: superop = qt.spost(l1.dag()+l2.dag()) elif blist[i] == 3: superop = qt.spre(l1) elif blist[i] == 4: superop = qt.spost(l1.dag()) else: raise ValueError('Allowed values in blist are 0, 1, 2, 3 ' + 'and 4.') superop.dims = E.dims E = superop*E sprev = s E = _integrate(G1, E, slist[-1], tau, integrator=self.integrator, parallel=self.parallel, opt=self.options) E.dims = E0.dims if not notrace: E = _genptrace(E, kmax) return E
[docs] def rhot(self, rho0, t, tau): """ Compute the reduced system density matrix :math:`\\rho(t)` Parameters ---------- rho0 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` initial density matrix or state vector (ket) t : float current time tau : float time-delay Returns ------- : :class:`qutip.Qobj` density matrix at time :math:`t` """ if qt.isket(rho0): rho0 = qt.ket2dm(rho0) E = self.propagator(t, tau) rhovec = qt.operator_to_vector(rho0) return qt.vector_to_operator(E*rhovec)
[docs] def outfieldcorr(self, rho0, blist, tlist, tau, c1=None, c2=None): r""" Compute output field expectation value <O_n(tn)...O_2(t2)O_1(t1)> for times t1,t2,... and O_i = I, b_out, b_out^\dagger, b_loop, b_loop^\dagger Parameters ---------- rho0 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` initial density matrix or state vector (ket). blist : array_like List of integers specifying the field operators: 0: I (nothing) 1: b_out 2: b_out^\dagger 3: b_loop 4: b_loop^\dagger tlist : array_like list of corresponding times t1,..,tn at which to evaluate the field operators tau : float time-delay c1 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` system collapse operator that couples to the in-loop field in question (only needs to be specified if self.L1 has more than one element) c2 : :class:`qutip.Qobj` system collapse operator that couples to the output field in question (only needs to be specified if self.L2 has more than one element) Returns ------- : complex expectation value of field correlation function """ E = self.outfieldpropagator(blist, tlist, tau) rhovec = qt.operator_to_vector(rho0) return (qt.vector_to_operator(E*rhovec)).tr()
def _localop(op, l, k): """ Create a local operator on the l'th system by tensoring with identity operators on all the other k-1 systems """ if l < 1 or l > k: raise IndexError('index l out of range') h = op I = qt.qeye(op.shape[0]) I.dims = op.dims for i in range(1, l): h = qt.tensor(I, h) for i in range(l+1, k+1): h = qt.tensor(h, I) return h def _genptrace(E, k): """ Perform a gneralized partial trace on a superoperator E, tracing out all subsystems but one. """ for l in range(k-1): nsys = len(E.dims[0][0]) E = qt.tensor_contract(E, (0, 2*nsys+1), (nsys, 3*nsys+1)) return E def _generator(k, H, L1, L2, S=None, c_ops_markov=None): """ Create a Liouvillian for a cascaded chain of k system copies """ id = qt.qeye(H.dims[0][0]) Id = qt.sprepost(id, id) if S is None: S = np.identity(len(L1)) # create Lindbladian L = qt.Qobj() E0 = Id # first system L += qt.liouvillian(None, [_localop(c, 1, k) for c in L2]) for l in range(1, k): # Identiy superoperator E0 = qt.composite(E0, Id) # Bare Hamiltonian Hl = _localop(H, l, k) L += qt.liouvillian(Hl, []) # Markovian Decay channels if c_ops_markov is not None: for c in c_ops_markov: cl = _localop(c, l, k) L += qt.liouvillian(None, [cl]) # Cascade coupling c1 = np.array([_localop(c, l, k) for c in L1]) c2 = np.array([_localop(c, l+1, k) for c in L2]) c2dag = np.array([c.dag() for c in c2]) Hcasc = -0.5j*,, c1)) Hcasc += Hcasc.dag() Lvec = c2 +, c1) L += qt.liouvillian(Hcasc, [c for c in Lvec]) # last system L += qt.liouvillian(_localop(H, k, k), [_localop(c, k, k) for c in L1]) if c_ops_markov is not None: for c in c_ops_markov: cl = _localop(c, k, k) L += qt.liouvillian(None, [cl]) E0.dims = L.dims # return generator and identity superop E0 return L, E0 def _integrate(L, E0, ti, tf, integrator='propagator', parallel=False, opt=qt.Options()): """ Basic ode integrator """ if tf > ti: if integrator == 'mesolve': if parallel: warnings.warn('parallelization not implemented for "mesolve"') opt.store_final_state = True sol = qt.mesolve(L, E0, [ti, tf], [], [], options=opt) return sol.final_state elif integrator == 'propagator': return qt.propagator(L, (tf-ti), [], [], parallel=parallel, options=opt)*E0 else: raise ValueError('integrator keyword must be either "propagator"' + 'or "mesolve"') else: return E0