Source code for qutip.piqs

# This file is part of QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python.
#    Copyright (c) 2011 and later, Paul D. Nation and Robert J. Johansson.
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"""Permutational Invariant Quantum Solver (PIQS)

This module calculates the Liouvillian for the dynamics of ensembles of
identical two-level systems (TLS) in the presence of local and collective
processes by exploiting permutational symmetry and using the Dicke basis.

# Authors: Nathan Shammah, Shahnawaz Ahmed
# Contact:,

from math import factorial
from decimal import Decimal

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy import constants
from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix, block_diag, lil_matrix
from qutip.solver import Options, Result
from qutip import (Qobj, spre, spost, tensor, identity, ket2dm,
from qutip import sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz, sigmap, sigmam
from import Dicke as _Dicke
from import (jmm1_dictionary, _num_dicke_states,
                           _num_dicke_ladders, get_blocks, j_min,
                           m_vals, j_vals)

# Functions necessary to generate the Lindbladian/Liouvillian
[docs]def num_dicke_states(N): """Calculate the number of Dicke states. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- nds: int The number of Dicke states. """ return _num_dicke_states(N)
[docs]def num_dicke_ladders(N): """Calculate the total number of ladders in the Dicke space. For a collection of N two-level systems it counts how many different "j" exist or the number of blocks in the block-diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- Nj: int The number of Dicke ladders. """ return _num_dicke_ladders(N)
[docs]def num_tls(nds): """Calculate the number of two-level systems. Parameters ---------- nds: int The number of Dicke states. Returns ------- N: int The number of two-level systems. """ if np.sqrt(nds).is_integer(): # N is even N = 2*(np.sqrt(nds)-1) else: # N is odd N = 2*(np.sqrt(nds + 1/4)-1) return int(N)
[docs]def isdiagonal(mat): """ Check if the input matrix is diagonal. Parameters ========== mat: ndarray/Qobj A 2D numpy array Returns ======= diag: bool True/False depending on whether the input matrix is diagonal. """ if isinstance(mat, Qobj): mat = mat.full() return np.all(mat == np.diag(np.diagonal(mat)))
[docs]class Dicke(object): """The Dicke class which builds the Lindbladian and Liouvillian matrix. Example ------- >>> from piqs import Dicke, jspin >>> N = 2 >>> jx, jy, jz = jspin(N) >>> jp = jspin(N, "+") >>> jm = jspin(N, "-") >>> ensemble = Dicke(N, emission=1.) >>> L = ensemble.liouvillian() Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. hamiltonian: :class: qutip.Qobj A Hamiltonian in the Dicke basis. The matrix dimensions are (nds, nds), with nds being the number of Dicke states. The Hamiltonian can be built with the operators given by the `jspin` functions. emission: float Incoherent emission coefficient (also nonradiative emission). default: 0.0 dephasing: float Local dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 pumping: float Incoherent pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_emission: float Collective (superradiant) emmission coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_pumping: float Collective pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_dephasing: float Collective dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 Attributes ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. hamiltonian: :class: qutip.Qobj A Hamiltonian in the Dicke basis. The matrix dimensions are (nds, nds), with nds being the number of Dicke states. The Hamiltonian can be built with the operators given by the `jspin` function in the "dicke" basis. emission: float Incoherent emission coefficient (also nonradiative emission). default: 0.0 dephasing: float Local dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 pumping: float Incoherent pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_emission: float Collective (superradiant) emmission coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_dephasing: float Collective dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_pumping: float Collective pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 nds: int The number of Dicke states. dshape: tuple The shape of the Hilbert space in the Dicke or uncoupled basis. default: (nds, nds). """ def __init__(self, N, hamiltonian=None, emission=0., dephasing=0., pumping=0., collective_emission=0., collective_dephasing=0., collective_pumping=0.): self.N = N self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian self.emission = emission self.dephasing = dephasing self.pumping = pumping self.collective_emission = collective_emission self.collective_dephasing = collective_dephasing self.collective_pumping = collective_pumping self.nds = num_dicke_states(self.N) self.dshape = (num_dicke_states(self.N), num_dicke_states(self.N)) def __repr__(self): """Print the current parameters of the system.""" string = [] string.append("N = {}".format(self.N)) string.append("Hilbert space dim = {}".format(self.dshape)) string.append("Number of Dicke states = {}".format(self.nds)) string.append("Liouvillian space dim = {}".format((self.nds**2, self.nds**2))) if self.emission != 0: string.append("emission = {}".format(self.emission)) if self.dephasing != 0: string.append("dephasing = {}".format(self.dephasing)) if self.pumping != 0: string.append("pumping = {}".format(self.pumping)) if self.collective_emission != 0: string.append( "collective_emission = {}".format(self.collective_emission)) if self.collective_dephasing != 0: string.append( "collective_dephasing = {}".format(self.collective_dephasing)) if self.collective_pumping != 0: string.append( "collective_pumping = {}".format(self.collective_pumping)) return "\n".join(string)
[docs] def lindbladian(self): """Build the Lindbladian superoperator of the dissipative dynamics. Returns ------- lindbladian: :class: qutip.Qobj The Lindbladian matrix as a `qutip.Qobj`. """ cythonized_dicke = _Dicke(int(self.N), float(self.emission), float(self.dephasing), float(self.pumping), float(self.collective_emission), float(self.collective_dephasing), float(self.collective_pumping)) return cythonized_dicke.lindbladian()
[docs] def liouvillian(self): """Build the total Liouvillian using the Dicke basis. Returns ------- liouv: :class: qutip.Qobj The Liouvillian matrix for the system. """ lindblad = self.lindbladian() if self.hamiltonian is None: liouv = lindblad else: hamiltonian = self.hamiltonian hamiltonian_superoperator = - 1j * \ spre(hamiltonian) + 1j * spost(hamiltonian) liouv = lindblad + hamiltonian_superoperator return liouv
[docs] def pisolve(self, initial_state, tlist, options=None): """ Solve for diagonal Hamiltonians and initial states faster. Parameters ========== initial_state: :class: qutip.Qobj An initial state specified as a density matrix of `qutip.Qbj` type. tlist: ndarray A 1D numpy array of list of timesteps to integrate options: :class: qutip.solver.Options The options for the solver. Returns ======= result: list A dictionary of the type `qutip.solver.Result` which holds the results of the evolution. """ if isdiagonal(initial_state) == False: msg = "`pisolve` requires a diagonal initial density matrix. " msg += "In general construct the Liouvillian using " msg += "`piqs.liouvillian` and use qutip.mesolve." raise ValueError(msg) if self.hamiltonian and isdiagonal(self.hamiltonian) == False: msg = "`pisolve` should only be used for diagonal Hamiltonians. " msg += "Construct the Liouvillian using `piqs.liouvillian` and" msg += " use `qutip.mesolve`." raise ValueError(msg) if initial_state.full().shape != self.dshape: msg = "Initial density matrix should be diagonal." raise ValueError(msg) pim = Pim(self.N, self.emission, self.dephasing, self.pumping, self.collective_emission, self.collective_pumping, self.collective_dephasing) result = pim.solve(initial_state, tlist, options=None) return result
[docs] def prune_eigenstates(self, liouvillian): """Remove spurious eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Liouvillian. Spurious means that the given eigenvector has elements outside of the block-diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- liouvillian_eigenstates: list A list with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Liouvillian including spurious ones. Returns ------- correct_eigenstates: list The list with the correct eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Liouvillian. """ liouvillian_eigenstates = liouvillian.eigenstates() N = self.N block_mat = block_matrix(N) nnz_tuple_bm = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(*block_mat.nonzero())] # 0. Create a copy of the eigenvalues to approximate values eig_val, eig_vec = liouvillian_eigenstates tol = 10 eig_val_round = np.round(eig_val, tol) # 2. Use 'block_matrix(N)' to remove eigenvectors with matrix # elements # outside of the block matrix. forbidden_eig_index = [] for k in range(0, len(eig_vec)): dm = vector_to_operator(eig_vec[k]) nnz_tuple = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(*] for i in nnz_tuple: if i not in nnz_tuple_bm: if np.round(dm[i], tol) != 0: forbidden_eig_index.append(k) forbidden_eig_index = np.array(list(set(forbidden_eig_index))) # 3. Remove the forbidden eigenvalues and eigenvectors. correct_eig_val = np.delete(eig_val, forbidden_eig_index) correct_eig_vec = np.delete(eig_vec, forbidden_eig_index) correct_eigenstates = correct_eig_val, correct_eig_vec return correct_eigenstates
[docs] def c_ops(self): """Build collapse operators in the full Hilbert space 2^N. Returns ------- c_ops_list: list The list with the collapse operators in the 2^N Hilbert space. """ ce = self.collective_emission cd = self.collective_dephasing cp = self.collective_pumping c_ops_list = collapse_uncoupled(N=self.N, emission=self.emission, dephasing=self.dephasing, pumping=self.pumping, collective_emission=ce, collective_dephasing=cd, collective_pumping=cp) return c_ops_list
[docs] def coefficient_matrix(self): """Build coefficient matrix for ODE for a diagonal problem. Returns ------- M: ndarray The matrix M of the coefficients for the ODE dp/dt = Mp. p is the vector of the diagonal matrix elements of the density matrix rho in the Dicke basis. """ diagonal_system = Pim(N=self.N, emission=self.emission, dephasing=self.dephasing, pumping=self.pumping, collective_emission=self.collective_emission, collective_dephasing=self.collective_dephasing, collective_pumping=self.collective_pumping) coef_matrix = diagonal_system.coefficient_matrix() return coef_matrix
# Utility functions for properties of the Dicke space def energy_degeneracy(N, m): """Calculate the number of Dicke states with same energy. The use of the `Decimals` class allows to explore N > 1000, unlike the built-in function `scipy.special.binom` Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. m: float Total spin z-axis projection eigenvalue. This is proportional to the total energy. Returns ------- degeneracy: int The energy degeneracy """ numerator = Decimal(factorial(N)) d1 = Decimal(factorial(N/2 + m)) d2 = Decimal(factorial(N/2 - m)) degeneracy = numerator/(d1 * d2) return int(degeneracy)
[docs]def state_degeneracy(N, j): """Calculate the degeneracy of the Dicke state. Each state :math:`|j, m\\rangle` includes D(N,j) irreducible representations :math:`|j, m, \\alpha\\rangle`. Uses Decimals to calculate higher numerator and denominators numbers. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. j: float Total spin eigenvalue (cooperativity). Returns ------- degeneracy: int The state degeneracy. """ if j < 0: raise ValueError("j value should be >= 0") numerator = Decimal(factorial(N)) * Decimal(2*j + 1) denominator_1 = Decimal(factorial(N/2 + j + 1)) denominator_2 = Decimal(factorial(N/2 - j)) degeneracy = numerator/(denominator_1 * denominator_2) degeneracy = int(np.round(float(degeneracy))) return degeneracy
[docs]def m_degeneracy(N, m): """Calculate the number of Dicke states :math:`|j, m\\rangle` with same energy. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. m: float Total spin z-axis projection eigenvalue (proportional to the total energy). Returns ------- degeneracy: int The m-degeneracy. """ jvals = j_vals(N) maxj = np.max(jvals) if m < -maxj: e = "m value is incorrect for this N." e += " Minimum m value can be {}".format(-maxj) raise ValueError(e) degeneracy = N/2 + 1 - abs(m) return int(degeneracy)
[docs]def ap(j, m): """Calculate the coefficient `ap` by applying J_+ |j, m>. The action of ap is given by: :math:`J_{+}|j, m\\rangle = A_{+}(j, m)|j, m+1\\rangle` Parameters ---------- j, m: float The value for j and m in the dicke basis |j,m>. Returns ------- a_plus: float The value of :math:`a_{+}`. """ a_plus = np.sqrt((j-m) * (j+m+1)) return a_plus
[docs]def am(j, m): """Calculate the operator `am` used later. The action of ap is given by: J_{-}|j, m> = A_{-}(jm)|j, m-1> Parameters ---------- j: float The value for j. m: float The value for m. Returns ------- a_minus: float The value of :math:`a_{-}`. """ a_minus = np.sqrt((j+m) * (j-m+1)) return a_minus
[docs]def spin_algebra(N, op=None): """Create the list [sx, sy, sz] with the spin operators. The operators are constructed for a collection of N two-level systems (TLSs). Each element of the list, i.e., sx, is a vector of `qutip.Qobj` objects (spin matrices), as it cointains the list of the SU(2) Pauli matrices for the N TLSs. Each TLS operator sx[i], with i = 0, ..., (N-1), is placed in a :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space. Notes ----- sx[i] is :math:`\\frac{\\sigma_x}{2}` in the composite Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- spin_operators: list or :class: qutip.Qobj A list of `qutip.Qobj` operators - [sx, sy, sz] or the requested operator. """ # 1. Define N TLS spin-1/2 matrices in the uncoupled basis N = int(N) sx = [0 for i in range(N)] sy = [0 for i in range(N)] sz = [0 for i in range(N)] sp = [0 for i in range(N)] sm = [0 for i in range(N)] sx[0] = 0.5 * sigmax() sy[0] = 0.5 * sigmay() sz[0] = 0.5 * sigmaz() sp[0] = sigmap() sm[0] = sigmam() # 2. Place operators in total Hilbert space for k in range(N - 1): sx[0] = tensor(sx[0], identity(2)) sy[0] = tensor(sy[0], identity(2)) sz[0] = tensor(sz[0], identity(2)) sp[0] = tensor(sp[0], identity(2)) sm[0] = tensor(sm[0], identity(2)) # 3. Cyclic sequence to create all N operators a = [i for i in range(N)] b = [[a[i - i2] for i in range(N)] for i2 in range(N)] # 4. Create N operators for i in range(1, N): sx[i] = sx[0].permute(b[i]) sy[i] = sy[0].permute(b[i]) sz[i] = sz[0].permute(b[i]) sp[i] = sp[0].permute(b[i]) sm[i] = sm[0].permute(b[i]) spin_operators = [sx, sy, sz] if not op: return spin_operators elif op == 'x': return sx elif op == 'y': return sy elif op == 'z': return sz elif op == '+': return sp elif op == '-': return sm else: raise TypeError('Invalid type')
def _jspin_uncoupled(N, op=None): """Construct the the collective spin algebra in the uncoupled basis. jx, jy, jz, jp, jm are constructed in the uncoupled basis of the two-level system (TLS). Each collective operator is placed in a Hilbert space of dimension 2^N. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. op: str The operator to return 'x','y','z','+','-'. If no operator given, then output is the list of operators for ['x','y','z',]. Returns ------- collective_operators: list or :class: qutip.Qobj A list of `qutip.Qobj` representing all the operators in uncoupled" basis or a single operator requested. """ # 1. Define N TLS spin-1/2 matrices in the uncoupled basis N = int(N) sx, sy, sz = spin_algebra(N) sp, sm = spin_algebra(N, "+"), spin_algebra(N, "-") jx = sum(sx) jy = sum(sy) jz = sum(sz) jp = sum(sp) jm = sum(sm) collective_operators = [jx, jy, jz] if not op: return collective_operators elif op == 'x': return jx elif op == 'y': return jy elif op == 'z': return jz elif op == '+': return jp elif op == '-': return jm else: raise TypeError('Invalid type')
[docs]def jspin(N, op=None, basis="dicke"): """ Calculate the list of collective operators of the total algebra. The Dicke basis :math:`|j,m\\rangle\\langle j,m'|` is used by default. Otherwise with "uncoupled" the operators are in a :math:`2^N` space. Parameters ---------- N: int Number of two-level systems. op: str The operator to return 'x','y','z','+','-'. If no operator given, then output is the list of operators for ['x','y','z']. basis: str The basis of the operators - "dicke" or "uncoupled" default: "dicke". Returns ------- j_alg: list or :class: qutip.Qobj A list of `qutip.Qobj` representing all the operators in the "dicke" or "uncoupled" basis or a single operator requested. """ if basis == "uncoupled": return _jspin_uncoupled(N, op) nds = num_dicke_states(N) num_ladders = num_dicke_ladders(N) jz_operator = dok_matrix((nds, nds)) jp_operator = dok_matrix((nds, nds)) jm_operator = dok_matrix((nds, nds)) s = 0 for k in range(0, num_ladders): j = 0.5 * N - k mmax = int(2*j + 1) for i in range(0, mmax): m = j-i jz_operator[s, s] = m if (s+1) in range(0, nds): jp_operator[s, s+1] = ap(j, m-1) if (s-1) in range(0, nds): jm_operator[s, s-1] = am(j, m+1) s = s+1 jx_operator = 1/2 * (jp_operator+jm_operator) jy_operator = 1j/2 * (jm_operator-jp_operator) jx = Qobj(jx_operator) jy = Qobj(jy_operator) jz = Qobj(jz_operator) jp = Qobj(jp_operator) jm = Qobj(jm_operator) if not op: return [jx, jy, jz] if op == '+': return jp elif op == '-': return jm elif op == 'x': return jx elif op == 'y': return jy elif op == 'z': return jz else: raise TypeError('Invalid type')
[docs]def collapse_uncoupled(N, emission=0., dephasing=0., pumping=0., collective_emission=0., collective_dephasing=0., collective_pumping=0.): """ Create the collapse operators (c_ops) of the Lindbladian in the uncoupled basis These operators are in the uncoupled basis of the two-level system (TLS) SU(2) Pauli matrices. Notes ----- The collapse operator list can be given to `qutip.mesolve`. Notice that the operators are placed in a Hilbert space of dimension :math:`2^N`. Thus the method is suitable only for small N (of the order of 10). Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. emission: float Incoherent emission coefficient (also nonradiative emission). default: 0.0 dephasing: float Local dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 pumping: float Incoherent pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_emission: float Collective (superradiant) emmission coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_pumping: float Collective pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_dephasing: float Collective dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 Returns ------- c_ops: list The list of collapse operators as `qutip.Qobj` for the system. """ N = int(N) if N > 10: msg = "N > 10. dim(H) = 2^N. " msg += "Better use `piqs.lindbladian` to reduce Hilbert space " msg += "dimension and exploit permutational symmetry." raise Warning(msg) [sx, sy, sz] = spin_algebra(N) sp, sm = spin_algebra(N, "+"), spin_algebra(N, "-") [jx, jy, jz] = jspin(N, basis="uncoupled") jp, jm = (jspin(N, "+", basis = "uncoupled"), jspin(N, "-", basis="uncoupled")) c_ops = [] if emission != 0: for i in range(0, N): c_ops.append(np.sqrt(emission) * sm[i]) if dephasing != 0: for i in range(0, N): c_ops.append(np.sqrt(dephasing) * sz[i]) if pumping != 0: for i in range(0, N): c_ops.append(np.sqrt(pumping) * sp[i]) if collective_emission != 0: c_ops.append(np.sqrt(collective_emission) * jm) if collective_dephasing != 0: c_ops.append(np.sqrt(collective_dephasing) * jz) if collective_pumping != 0: c_ops.append(np.sqrt(collective_pumping) * jp) return c_ops
# State definitions in the Dicke basis with an option for basis transformation
[docs]def dicke_basis(N, jmm1=None): """ Initialize the density matrix of a Dicke state for several (j, m, m1). This function can be used to build arbitrary states in the Dicke basis :math:`|j, m\\rangle \\langle j, m^{\\prime}|`. We create coefficients for each (j, m, m1) value in the dictionary jmm1. The mapping for the (i, k) index of the density matrix to the |j, m> values is given by the cythonized function `jmm1_dictionary`. A density matrix is created from the given dictionary of coefficients for each (j, m, m1). Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. jmm1: dict A dictionary of {(j, m, m1): p} that gives a density p for the (j, m, m1) matrix element. Returns ------- rho: :class: qutip.Qobj The density matrix in the Dicke basis. """ if jmm1 is None: msg = "Please specify the jmm1 values as a dictionary" msg += "or use the `excited(N)` function to create an" msg += "excited state where jmm1 = {(N/2, N/2, N/2): 1}" raise AttributeError(msg) nds = _num_dicke_states(N) rho = np.zeros((nds, nds)) jmm1_dict = jmm1_dictionary(N)[1] for key in jmm1: i, k = jmm1_dict[key] rho[i, k] = jmm1[key] return Qobj(rho)
[docs]def dicke(N, j, m): """ Generate a Dicke state as a pure density matrix in the Dicke basis. For instance, the superradiant state given by :math:`|j, m\\rangle = |1, 0\\rangle` for N = 2, and the state is represented as a density matrix of size (nds, nds) or (4, 4), with the (1, 1) element set to 1. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. j: float The eigenvalue j of the Dicke state (j, m). m: float The eigenvalue m of the Dicke state (j, m). Returns ------- rho: :class: qutip.Qobj The density matrix. """ nds = num_dicke_states(N) rho = np.zeros((nds, nds)) jmm1_dict = jmm1_dictionary(N)[1] i, k = jmm1_dict[(j, m, m)] rho[i, k] = 1. return Qobj(rho)
# Uncoupled states in the full Hilbert space. These are returned with the # choice of the keyword argument `basis="uncoupled"` in the state functions. def _uncoupled_excited(N): """ Generate the density matrix of the excited Dicke state in the full :math:`2^N` dimensional Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- psi0: :class: qutip.Qobj The density matrix for the excited state in the uncoupled basis. """ N = int(N) jz = jspin(N, "z", basis="uncoupled") en, vn = jz.eigenstates() psi0 = vn[2**N - 1] return ket2dm(psi0) def _uncoupled_superradiant(N): """ Generate the density matrix of a superradiant state in the full :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- psi0: :class: qutip.Qobj The density matrix for the superradiant state in the full Hilbert space. """ N = int(N) jz = jspin(N, "z", basis="uncoupled") en, vn = jz.eigenstates() psi0 = vn[2**N - (N+1)] return ket2dm(psi0) def _uncoupled_ground(N): """ Generate the density matrix of the ground state in the full\ :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- psi0: :class: qutip.Qobj The density matrix for the ground state in the full Hilbert space. """ N = int(N) jz = jspin(N, "z", basis="uncoupled") en, vn = jz.eigenstates() psi0 = vn[0] return ket2dm(psi0) def _uncoupled_ghz(N): """ Generate the density matrix of the GHZ state in the full 2^N dimensional Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- ghz: :class: qutip.Qobj The density matrix for the GHZ state in the full Hilbert space. """ N = int(N) rho = np.zeros((2**N, 2**N)) rho[0, 0] = 1/2 rho[2**N - 1, 0] = 1/2 rho[0, 2**N - 1] = 1/2 rho[2**N - 1, 2**N - 1] = 1/2 spin_dim = [2 for i in range(0, N)] spins_dims = list((spin_dim, spin_dim)) rho = Qobj(rho, dims=spins_dims) return rho def _uncoupled_css(N, a, b): """ Generate the density matrix of the CSS state in the full 2^N dimensional Hilbert space. The CSS states are non-entangled states given by :math:`|a, b\\rangle = \\prod_i (a|1\\rangle_i + b|0\\rangle_i)`. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. a: complex The coefficient of the :math:`|1_i\rangle` state. b: complex The coefficient of the :math:`|0_i\rangle` state. Returns ------- css: :class: qutip.Qobj The density matrix for the CSS state in the full Hilbert space. """ N = int(N) # 1. Define i_th factorized density matrix in the uncoupled basis rho_i = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=complex) rho_i[0, 0] = a * np.conj(a) rho_i[1, 1] = b * np.conj(b) rho_i[0, 1] = a * np.conj(a) rho_i[1, 0] = b * np.conj(b) rho_i = Qobj(rho_i) rho = [0 for i in range(N)] rho[0] = rho_i # 2. Place single-two-level-system density matrices in total Hilbert space for k in range(N - 1): rho[0] = tensor(rho[0], identity(2)) # 3. Cyclic sequence to create all N factorized density matrices # |CSS>_i<CSS|_i a = [i for i in range(N)] b = [[a[i - i2] for i in range(N)] for i2 in range(N)] # 4. Create all other N-1 factorized density matrices # |+><+| = Prod_(i=1)^N |CSS>_i<CSS|_i for i in range(1, N): rho[i] = rho[0].permute(b[i]) identity_i = Qobj(np.eye(2**N), dims=rho[0].dims, shape=rho[0].shape) rho_tot = identity_i for i in range(0, N): rho_tot = rho_tot * rho[i] return rho_tot
[docs]def excited(N, basis="dicke"): """ Generate the density matrix for the excited state. This state is given by (N/2, N/2) in the default Dicke basis. If the argument `basis` is "uncoupled" then it generates the state in a 2**N dim Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. basis: str The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled". Returns ------- state: :class: qutip.Qobj The excited state density matrix in the requested basis. """ if basis == "uncoupled": state = _uncoupled_excited(N) return state jmm1 = {(N/2, N/2, N/2): 1} return dicke_basis(N, jmm1)
[docs]def superradiant(N, basis="dicke"): """ Generate the density matrix of the superradiant state. This state is given by (N/2, 0) or (N/2, 0.5) in the Dicke basis. If the argument `basis` is "uncoupled" then it generates the state in a 2**N dim Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. basis: str The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled". Returns ------- state: :class: qutip.Qobj The superradiant state density matrix in the requested basis. """ if basis == "uncoupled": state = _uncoupled_superradiant(N) return state if N % 2 == 0: jmm1 = {(N/2, 0, 0): 1.} return dicke_basis(N, jmm1) else: jmm1 = {(N/2, 0.5, 0.5): 1.} return dicke_basis(N, jmm1)
[docs]def css(N, x=1/np.sqrt(2), y=1/np.sqrt(2), basis="dicke", coordinates="cartesian"): """ Generate the density matrix of the Coherent Spin State (CSS). It can be defined as, :math:`|CSS \\rangle = \\prod_i^N(a|1\\rangle_i + b|0\\rangle_i)` with :math:`a = sin(\\frac{\\theta}{2})`, :math:`b = e^{i \\phi}\\cos(\\frac{\\theta}{2})`. The default basis is that of Dicke space :math:`|j, m\\rangle \\langle j, m'|`. The default state is the symmetric CSS, :math:`|CSS\\rangle = |+\\rangle`. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. x, y: float The coefficients of the CSS state. basis: str The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled". coordinates: str Either "cartesian" or "polar". If polar then the coefficients are constructed as sin(x/2), cos(x/2)e^(iy). Returns ------- rho: :class: qutip.Qobj The CSS state density matrix. """ if coordinates == "polar": a = np.cos(0.5 * x) * np.exp(1j * y) b = np.sin(0.5 * x) else: a = x b = y if basis == "uncoupled": return _uncoupled_css(N, a, b) nds = num_dicke_states(N) num_ladders = num_dicke_ladders(N) rho = dok_matrix((nds, nds)) # loop in the allowed matrix elements jmm1_dict = jmm1_dictionary(N)[1] j = 0.5*N mmax = int(2*j + 1) for i in range(0, mmax): m = j-i psi_m = np.sqrt(float(energy_degeneracy(N, m))) * \ a**(N*0.5 + m) * b**(N*0.5 - m) for i1 in range(0, mmax): m1 = j - i1 row_column = jmm1_dict[(j, m, m1)] psi_m1 = np.sqrt(float(energy_degeneracy(N, m1))) * \ np.conj(a)**(N*0.5 + m1) * np.conj(b)**(N*0.5 - m1) rho[row_column] = psi_m*psi_m1 return Qobj(rho)
[docs]def ghz(N, basis="dicke"): """ Generate the density matrix of the GHZ state. If the argument `basis` is "uncoupled" then it generates the state in a :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. basis: str The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled". Returns ------- state: :class: qutip.Qobj The GHZ state density matrix in the requested basis. """ if basis == "uncoupled": return _uncoupled_ghz(N) nds = _num_dicke_states(N) rho = dok_matrix((nds, nds)) rho[0, 0] = 1/2 rho[N, N] = 1/2 rho[N, 0] = 1/2 rho[0, N] = 1/2 return Qobj(rho)
[docs]def ground(N, basis="dicke"): """ Generate the density matrix of the ground state. This state is given by (N/2, -N/2) in the Dicke basis. If the argument `basis` is "uncoupled" then it generates the state in a :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. basis: str The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled" Returns ------- state: :class: qutip.Qobj The ground state density matrix in the requested basis. """ if basis == "uncoupled": state = _uncoupled_ground(N) return state nds = _num_dicke_states(N) rho = dok_matrix((nds, nds)) rho[N, N] = 1 return Qobj(rho)
def identity_uncoupled(N): """ Generate the identity in a :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space. The identity matrix is formed from the tensor product of N TLSs. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. Returns ------- identity: :class: qutip.Qobj The identity matrix. """ N = int(N) rho = np.zeros((2**N, 2**N)) for i in range(0, 2**N): rho[i, i] = 1 spin_dim = [2 for i in range(0, N)] spins_dims = list((spin_dim, spin_dim)) identity = Qobj(rho, dims=spins_dims) return identity def block_matrix(N): """Construct the block-diagonal matrix for the Dicke basis. Parameters ---------- N: int Number of two-level systems. Returns ------- block_matr: ndarray A 2D block-diagonal matrix of ones with dimension (nds,nds), where nds is the number of Dicke states for N two-level systems. """ nds = _num_dicke_states(N) # create a list with the sizes of the blocks, in order blocks_dimensions = int(N/2 + 1 - 0.5*(N % 2)) blocks_list = [(2 * (i+1 * (N % 2)) + 1*((N+1) % 2)) for i in range(blocks_dimensions)] blocks_list = np.flip(blocks_list, 0) # create a list with each block matrix as element square_blocks = [] k = 0 for i in blocks_list: square_blocks.append(np.ones((i, i))) k = k + 1 return block_diag(square_blocks) # ============================================================================ # Adding a faster version to make a Permutational Invariant matrix # ============================================================================ def tau_column(tau, k, j): """ Determine the column index for the non-zero elements of the matrix for a particular row `k` and the value of `j` from the Dicke space. Parameters ---------- tau: str The tau function to check for this `k` and `j`. k: int The row of the matrix M for which the non zero elements have to be calculated. j: float The value of `j` for this row. """ # In the notes, we indexed from k = 1, here we do it from k = 0 k = k + 1 mapping = {"tau3": k-(2 * j + 3), "tau2": k-1, "tau4": k+(2 * j - 1), "tau5": k-(2 * j + 2), "tau1": k, "tau6": k+(2 * j), "tau7": k-(2 * j + 1), "tau8": k+1, "tau9": k+(2 * j + 1)} # we need to decrement k again as indexing is from 0 return int(mapping[tau] - 1)
[docs]class Pim(object): """ The Permutation Invariant Matrix class. Initialize the class with the parameters for generating a Permutation Invariant matrix which evolves a given diagonal initial state `p` as: dp/dt = Mp Parameters ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. emission: float Incoherent emission coefficient (also nonradiative emission). default: 0.0 dephasing: float Local dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 pumping: float Incoherent pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_emission: float Collective (superradiant) emmission coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_pumping: float Collective pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_dephasing: float Collective dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 Attributes ---------- N: int The number of two-level systems. emission: float Incoherent emission coefficient (also nonradiative emission). default: 0.0 dephasing: float Local dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 pumping: float Incoherent pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_emission: float Collective (superradiant) emmission coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_dephasing: float Collective dephasing coefficient. default: 0.0 collective_pumping: float Collective pumping coefficient. default: 0.0 M: dict A nested dictionary of the structure {row: {col: val}} which holds non zero elements of the matrix M """ def __init__(self, N, emission=0., dephasing=0, pumping=0, collective_emission=0, collective_pumping=0, collective_dephasing=0): self.N = N self.emission = emission self.dephasing = dephasing self.pumping = pumping self.collective_pumping = collective_pumping self.collective_dephasing = collective_dephasing self.collective_emission = collective_emission self.M = {}
[docs] def isdicke(self, dicke_row, dicke_col): """ Check if an element in a matrix is a valid element in the Dicke space. Dicke row: j value index. Dicke column: m value index. The function returns True if the element exists in the Dicke space and False otherwise. Parameters ---------- dicke_row, dicke_col : int Index of the element in Dicke space which needs to be checked """ rows = self.N + 1 cols = 0 if (self.N % 2) == 0: cols = int(self.N/2 + 1) else: cols = int(self.N/2 + 1/2) if (dicke_row > rows) or (dicke_row < 0): return (False) if (dicke_col > cols) or (dicke_col < 0): return (False) if (dicke_row < int(rows/2)) and (dicke_col > dicke_row): return False if (dicke_row >= int(rows/2)) and (rows - dicke_row <= dicke_col): return False else: return True
[docs] def tau_valid(self, dicke_row, dicke_col): """ Find the Tau functions which are valid for this value of (dicke_row, dicke_col) given the number of TLS. This calculates the valid tau values and reurns a dictionary specifying the tau function name and the value. Parameters ---------- dicke_row, dicke_col : int Index of the element in Dicke space which needs to be checked. Returns ------- taus: dict A dictionary of key, val as {tau: value} consisting of the valid taus for this row and column of the Dicke space element. """ tau_functions = [self.tau3, self.tau2, self.tau4, self.tau5, self.tau1, self.tau6, self.tau7, self.tau8, self.tau9] N = self.N if self.isdicke(dicke_row, dicke_col) is False: return False # The 3x3 sub matrix surrounding the Dicke space element to # run the tau functions indices = [(dicke_row + x, dicke_col + y) for x in range(-1, 2) for y in range(-1, 2)] taus = {} for idx, tau in zip(indices, tau_functions): if self.isdicke(idx[0], idx[1]): j, m = self.calculate_j_m(idx[0], idx[1]) taus[tau.__name__] = tau(j, m) return taus
[docs] def calculate_j_m(self, dicke_row, dicke_col): """ Get the value of j and m for the particular Dicke space element. Parameters ---------- dicke_row, dicke_col: int The row and column from the Dicke space matrix Returns ------- j, m: float The j and m values. """ N = self.N j = N/2 - dicke_col m = N/2 - dicke_row return(j, m)
[docs] def calculate_k(self, dicke_row, dicke_col): """ Get k value from the current row and column element in the Dicke space. Parameters ---------- dicke_row, dicke_col: int The row and column from the Dicke space matrix. Returns ------- k: int The row index for the matrix M for given Dicke space element. """ N = self.N if dicke_row == 0: k = dicke_col else: k = int(((dicke_col)/2) * (2 * (N + 1) - 2 * (dicke_col - 1)) + (dicke_row - (dicke_col))) return k
[docs] def coefficient_matrix(self): """ Generate the matrix M governing the dynamics for diagonal cases. If the initial density matrix and the Hamiltonian is diagonal, the evolution of the system is given by the simple ODE: dp/dt = Mp. """ N = self.N nds = num_dicke_states(N) rows = self.N + 1 cols = 0 sparse_M = lil_matrix((nds, nds), dtype=float) if (self.N % 2) == 0: cols = int(self.N/2 + 1) else: cols = int(self.N/2 + 1/2) for (dicke_row, dicke_col) in np.ndindex(rows, cols): if self.isdicke(dicke_row, dicke_col): k = int(self.calculate_k(dicke_row, dicke_col)) row = {} taus = self.tau_valid(dicke_row, dicke_col) for tau in taus: j, m = self.calculate_j_m(dicke_row, dicke_col) current_col = tau_column(tau, k, j) sparse_M[k, int(current_col)] = taus[tau] return sparse_M.tocsr()
[docs] def solve(self, rho0, tlist, options=None): """ Solve the ODE for the evolution of diagonal states and Hamiltonians. """ if options is None: options = Options() output = Result() output.solver = "pisolve" output.times = tlist output.states = [] output.states.append(Qobj(rho0)) rhs_generate = lambda y, tt, M: rho0_flat = np.diag(np.real(rho0.full())) L = self.coefficient_matrix() rho_t = odeint(rhs_generate, rho0_flat, tlist, args=(L,)) for r in rho_t[1:]: diag = np.diag(r) output.states.append(Qobj(diag)) return output
[docs] def tau1(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j, m, m). """ yS = self.collective_emission yL = self.emission yD = self.dephasing yP = self.pumping yCP = self.collective_pumping N = float(self.N) spontaneous = yS * (1 + j - m) * (j + m) losses = yL * (N/2 + m) pump = yP * (N/2 - m) collective_pump = yCP * (1 + j + m) * (j - m) if j == 0: dephase = yD * N/4 else: dephase = yD * (N/4 - m**2 * ((1 + N/2)/(2 * j * (j+1)))) t1 = spontaneous + losses + pump + dephase + collective_pump return -t1
[docs] def tau2(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j, m+1, m+1). """ yS = self.collective_emission yL = self.emission N = float(self.N) spontaneous = yS * (1 + j - m) * (j + m) losses = yL * (((N/2 + 1) * (j - m + 1) * (j + m))/(2 * j * (j+1))) t2 = spontaneous + losses return t2
[docs] def tau3(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j+1, m+1, m+1). """ yL = self.emission N = float(self.N) num = (j + m - 1) * (j + m) * (j + 1 + N/2) den = 2 * j * (2 * j + 1) t3 = yL * (num/den) return t3
[docs] def tau4(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j-1, m+1, m+1). """ yL = self.emission N = float(self.N) num = (j - m + 1) * (j - m + 2) * (N/2 - j) den = 2 * (j + 1) * (2 * j + 1) t4 = yL * (num/den) return t4
[docs] def tau5(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j+1, m, m). """ yD = self.dephasing N = float(self.N) num = (j - m) * (j + m) * (j + 1 + N/2) den = 2 * j * (2 * j + 1) t5 = yD * (num/den) return t5
[docs] def tau6(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j-1, m, m). """ yD = self.dephasing N = float(self.N) num = (j - m + 1) * (j + m + 1) * (N/2 - j) den = 2 * (j + 1) * (2 * j + 1) t6 = yD * (num/den) return t6
[docs] def tau7(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j+1, m-1, m-1). """ yP = self.pumping N = float(self.N) num = (j - m - 1) * (j - m) * (j + 1 + N/2) den = 2 * j * (2 * j + 1) t7 = yP * (float(num)/den) return t7
[docs] def tau8(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j, m-1, m-1). """ yP = self.pumping yCP = self.collective_pumping N = float(self.N) num = (1 + N/2) * (j-m) * (j + m + 1) den = 2 * j * (j+1) pump = yP * (float(num)/den) collective_pump = yCP * (j-m) * (j+m+1) t8 = pump + collective_pump return t8
[docs] def tau9(self, j, m): """ Calculate coefficient matrix element relative to (j-1, m-1, m-1). """ yP = self.pumping N = float(self.N) num = (j+m+1) * (j+m+2) * (N/2 - j) den = 2 * (j+1) * (2*j + 1) t9 = yP * (float(num)/den) return t9