Parity Support


When the system Hamiltonian contains fermionic systems, the HEOMLS matrix $\hat{\mathcal{M}}$ might be constructed into a different one depend on the parity of the input operator which $\hat{\mathcal{M}}$ is acting on. This dependence intuitively originates from the properties of partial traces over composite fermionic spaces, where operators do not necessarily commute.

As an example, for an environment made out of a single fermion, the reduced matrix elements $\langle{i}|\rho_\textrm{s}^p|{j}\rangle$ (in a basis labeled by $\langle i|$ and $|{j}\rangle$) involve the perturbative sum of expressions of the form $\langle i| (c \tilde{\rho}_\textrm{e} \tilde{\rho}_\textrm{s}^p c^\dagger+\tilde{\rho}_\textrm{e} \tilde{\rho}_\textrm{s}^p)|{j}\rangle$ (in terms of environmental operators $\tilde{\rho}_{\textrm{e}}$, system operators $\tilde{\rho}_\textrm{s}^p$ with parity $p$, and the environment-annihilation operator $c$). These quantities depend on the commutator between $\tilde{\rho}_\textrm{s}^p$ and $c$, which is trivial only for EVEN-parity ($p=+$). In the ODD-parity ($p=-$) case, the partial trace over the environment requires further anti-commutations, ultimately resulting in extra minus signs in the expression for the effective propagator describing the reduced dynamics.

It is important to explicitly note that, here, by parity we do not refer to the presence of an odd or even number of fermions in the system but, rather, to the number of fermionic (annihilation or creation) operators needed to represent $\rho_\textrm{s}^p$. The reduced density matrix of the system should be an EVEN-parity operator and can be expressed as $\rho_{\textrm{s}}^{p=+}(t)$. However, there are some situations (for example, calculating density of states for fermionic systems) where $\hat{\mathcal{M}}$ is acting on ODD-parity ADOs, e.g., $\rho_{\textrm{s}}^{p=-}(t)=d_{\textrm{s}}\rho_{\textrm{s}}^{+}(t)$ or $\rho_{\textrm{s}}^{p=-}(t)=d_{\textrm{s}}^\dagger\rho_{\textrm{s}}^{+}(t)$, where $d_{\textrm{s}}$ is an annihilation operator acting on fermionic systems.

Parity support for HEOMLS

One can specify the parameter parity::AbstractParity in the function of constructing $\hat{\mathcal{M}}$ which describes the dynamics of EVEN- or ODD-parity auxiliary density operators (ADOs). The default value of the parameter is parity=EVEN.

Hs::QuantumObject   # system Hamiltonian
Bbath::BosonBath    # bosonic   bath object
Fbath::FermionBath  # fermionic bath object
Btier::Int          # bosonic   truncation level 
Ftier::Int          # fermionic truncation level 

# create HEOMLS matrix in EVEN or ODD parity
M_even = M_S(Hs, EVEN)
M_odd  = M_S(Hs, ODD)

M_even = M_Boson(Hs, Btier, Bbath, EVEN) 
M_odd  = M_Boson(Hs, Btier, Bbath, ODD) 

M_even = M_Fermion(Hs, Ftier, Fbath, EVEN) 
M_odd  = M_Fermion(Hs, Ftier, Fbath, ODD)

M_even = M_Boson_Fermion(Hs, Btier, Ftier, Bbath, Fbath, EVEN) 
M_odd  = M_Boson_Fermion(Hs, Btier, Ftier, Bbath, Fbath, ODD) 

Base functions support

Multiplication between Parity labels

EVEN * EVEN # gives EVEN
EVEN * ODD  # gives ODD
ODD  * EVEN # gives ODD
ODD  * ODD  # gives EVEN
!EVEN       # gives ODD
!ODD        # gives EVEN